What sites can I buy a HI amp Alternator from? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What sites can I buy a HI amp Alternator from?


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2001
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04 EB V8
I looked at the common websites & all they sell are these expensive Power Master's. Ebay has a few. I'm looking for a 200, 220 or 240 amp unit, with idle output at 100 amps or more.

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Those are the ones with the $300+ power masters.

They usually have the best deals, especially on common parts such as alternators. For 200+amp you are probably looking at $200 minimum for that size! Ebay is good, I've gotten good deals on there...but buyer beware...u-know? Same with the many other fly-by-night online companies.
I'd just go on yahoo and type in "high output alternator" and search threw the companies that pop up. I've had luck this way when searching for the cheapest prices, just make sure they are a well established company. Good luck! oh and if you find a good deal on HO alternators..I'd be interested :D

Jason94sport said:
I looked at the common websites & all they sell are these expensive Power Master's. Ebay has a few. I'm looking for a 200, 220 or 240 amp unit, with idle output at 100 amps or more.


Ask for an alternator for a 94 Limited. that will give your the EDIT: 130 amps you are looking for. It will bolt right up no problem.

Of course since you want 200+ amps I was not making any good points. hehe

I thought the limted was only a 130amp unit.

Yes it is a 130 amp, stock is 95 or so. I was confused up there.. :)
If you need 200+ amps you probably won't find it on Fordpartsnetwork.com

I edited it to make it right so as not to throw anyone off doing a search in the future.
