What Tcase options available for 4R70W | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Tcase options available for 4R70W


Got a new "project" I'm just looking for various transfer case options that are available for the 4R70W tranny that comes behind the 5.0L. Please let me know.

Thanks for the help.


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the only stock one was the AWD one (i dont know the BW part number if its even BW), that is explorers. but stadx2 used an advance adapter kit to switch to the control-trac t-case (BW 44-05) good luck.

The stock one is indeed a BW, a 4404 to be exact. It is a married T-case, like all X t-cases. It has a viscous coupler and sends about 35% of the torque to the front driveshaft.

The BW4406 also comes behind the 4r70w, but not in the explorer. The early expeditions with the 4.6 V8 also had the 4r70w. The 4406 is a control trac case, much like the ones in the V6 Xs. I don't know if it fits, I think someone on the board was trying to install it. I might do this project down the road.

The 4r70w, is also known as the AODE-W, basically the good old AOD with electronic controls and wide ratio gear set. I *think* it has the same case as the AOD. If this is true, Advance Adapters makes a kit to run the BW135x series t-cases behind it. Worth investigating.


The BW4406 also comes behind the 4r70w

Is the output shaft the same in the trannies (Expd and Expr) or would I have to change mine to bolt a 4406 on?

Originally posted by Brett

Got a new "project" I'm just looking for various transfer case options that are available for the 4R70W tranny that comes behind the 5.0L. Please let me know.

Thanks for the help.


I do believe it can all be summed up likea this:


Atlas II would be nice. But a little out of my budget. Anyway, I'm thinking along the lines of the BW 1356 manual shift. Basically, this tranny is a fullsize truck tranny. So pretty much any 31 spline 6 bolt tcase would work. I just want to avoid relaying on an expensive adapter.

Does anyone know a site that lists the max torque for popular t-cases? I need to find a rig that is going to hold up to the Ford Racing Crate engine swap I'm planning.

section525: I think someone on the board is trying the 4406 swap. To be honest I have no idea if there are different input shafts/adapter bolt patters. But - I do know for a fact that the 4406 is behind the 4r70w.

Off topic: It seems Advance adapters parts are really expensive for what you get - is this just me??

I have the adapter for my AOD/4R70W tranny and I found it to be well worth the money. With the V8 in place and the transfer case located in the factory postion there was no driveshaft customization, etc. The way I saw it was buy the adapter or pay the price of the adapter by monkeying around with driveshafts, different transfer case, custom case mount crossmember etc. I am using the factory BW1354 electronic shift TC behind a mild 5.0L and haven't incountered a single problem as of yet, with over 10.000kms of hard road and off-road service.

Oh and what you pay for the adapter I pay almost double. Monopoly money north of the border ya know.

Speedfreak.. you're saying all I would need to bolt the 1354 under my truck is an AA adapter? If so, how much and where did you get one for? (Both tcase and adapter)

The output shaft for the Aod's and the 4R70W's are 31 spline shafts. A4LD's, 4R55E's and 5R55E's are all 27 spline outputs.

Obviously inputs on all of the V6 X TC's are 27 spline and 5 bolt mount circle, while the v8's get the 31 splines and a 6 bolt circle.

I bought mine from James Duff for $950 Can, landed. (brokerage fees, duty, taxes, exchange,etc)

This is kindof gone off topic. I orginally wanted to know what tcase options were available without buying an adapter. Everybody knows that you can purchase an adapter to make almost anything work.

I found my answer through my own research. So those of you with 4R70W's, the BW 1356 tcase will bolt up to the back of the tranny. As will most any other 31 spline 6 bolt tcases. (Ever wonder why AA doesn't make a lot of Full size truck conversion parts? - They already came from the factory)


There is one small problem with the 1356 in an Explorer. It's massive and would require cutting of the frame to fit. I was originally going to use it for my conversion until I did the research.

Well, It's not going in an Explorer. And Guy Groves used a 1356 in his 5.0 Swap in his 92 with a 2" body lift.

hehehehe here we go!!!!

Yes, here we go again........ Another project involving a lot of explorer parts :)

Oh,..... well ...... then I really did miss understand the question or just assumed the project was for an X. Ummm, good luck with your project then..............

Borg Warner transfercases

If you want to know about what BW transfer cases are used in which vehicles go to "drivetrain.com"

So what kind of project would this be? You can't come on here and post a question like that and not tell all. :)

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Well, let's just say it's a classic and looks like a box. :)
