What tool to remove driveshaft? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What tool to remove driveshaft?


Active Member
August 9, 2009
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City, State
Beaverton, Oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Montaineer
I tried to remove the driveshaft from the rear differential last night (99 Mountaneer V8) and the four bolts are something new to me. Round and hase fine teeth around the perimeter. Anyway, it takes a socket that I certainly don't own. Anyone know what these bolts are called so I can purchase the tool?

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it looks worse than it is.. its a 12 point socket.

If it had big/sharp teeth, like a torx bit then it would be an external torx bit, but AFAIK, ford didn't use that on any of the driveshaft bolts (only ever found that on intake manifold bolts)


12 point socket and some pb blaster

don't forget to wrap some ducktape around the yoke to hold it together, if it hits the ground you'll have a bad day.

Thanks for the information/help.

This forum is just plain great. Appreciate it.

Amazon product ASIN B00H2VVNPQThe page you requested cannot be found!
Ford Drive Line Impact Socket
Used on the Aerostar, Mustang, Crown Victoria, Taurus, Explorer, Expedition, Excursion, Ranger, F-150, and more. Works on vehicles from 1980's to current.

