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What's a good price to pay for an Aerostar?


Well-Known Member
July 24, 2010
City, State
Deltona, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Ex XLT & 84 Ranger
Hey guys :D My mother-in-law is about to buy an Aerostar. We found one with 89,000 miles on it that has been owned by an elderly man. It looks to be in pretty decent shape. But, hes asking $3700 for it. Is that a decent price for it? It is 3.0, 2 wd automatic and is in central Florida. The guy said its an 89? Any help is greatly appreciated :D

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Even though it has low mileage, it's still a 24 year old vehicle, so the price is way over the limit. I would say $1,000 or even $1,200 should be the limit. There is no more book value for it, plus parts are very hard to get. Does it have any rust spots or dents?

We went and looked at it, it is in near perfect condition and everything works. Still way high?
Thanks for the input guys

We went and looked at it, it is in near perfect condition and everything works. Still way high?
Thanks for the input guys

I'd take it to a Ford dealer and have it inspected. If it passes their scrutiny with flying colors, I'd say a good offer would be $2,000 but be willing to go to $2500. Those are "a-1 mechanical condition" prices. If they find anything wrong, and they most likely will, don't freak out, just use it to negotiate a lower price.
Good luck.

He wont go down on price.. he's really proud of it. I dont have a pic unfortunatly. also (unfortunatly) my in-laws like it so much they are just going to pay for it I think.. kinda bugs me :/
Im going to tell them about this info you guys shared with me tho. I appreciate it!

What kind of vehicle did your in laws previously own? Did they ever own an Aerostar? Tell them about this forum, and let them read the threads here.

They actualy had 2 areosars over the years and they love them... which is why I think they dont mind paying for this one. I told them about the forum, and they knew about it anyway since this is where I spent 80% of my days a little while ago haha

I think $3700 is a little high, but I would have no problem paying $3000 for it. Well taken care of, it might get another 200,000 miles before major repairs need to be done. That works out to only ONE AND ONE HALF CENTS per mile cost. WHERE ELSE CAN YOU FIND SUCH A BARGAIN?

My current Aero cost me $2000 and I have abused it for 197,000 miles without major repairs, although it is now starting to nickel and dime me. THAT IS THE BEST $2000 I HAVE EVER SPENT FOR A VEHICLE IN MY LIFE.

So, $3700? High, but I personally would seriously consider it.

I bought mine for about $1200 three years ago. It now has 345,000 miles on it, 33K of which were driven by me, without any major problems! It's now ready for retirement, the 3rd/Drive band broke in the transmission, there's oil in the radiator, rotors are warped, windshield cracked, steering loose, and it made a nasty scraping sound from the rear end while making a turn last weekend!

Adam: Are you planning to replace it with another Aerostar?

Adam: Are you planning to replace it with another Aerostar?

I'd definitely consider it, if one comes along for a good deal. There was a perfect one a couple months ago, the super rare extended-with-cargo-doors version for $1200. But $ was not available. ...I did invest $13 on a decent pair of hatch shocks while I was at pull a part saturday. Unfortunately, the hatch sits slightly lower than with my prop stick jammed in there. I've been hitting my 6'5" head on it all week! :(

Well here it is. Im not crazy about the color but I am not the primary driver so I dont care haha :D



Its nice to have another Ford in the driver way while the Ranger is down :D

Well, I'm glad they're happy with it. I don't care for the color either, but it's clean.

This is the first time that I've seen one with that color. What does the interior color look like?

Its spotless. under the hood and underneath is very clean. even has near new tires on it. I just really wish it was a different color lol
