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Well-Known Member
June 6, 2011
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Savannah Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT 4x4
Ho Guys

I have a 06 explorer. I am putting chrome rims and bigger tires on it. My explorer has the air sensors. Do I need to get another set of those sensors or can I just put the chrome rims on? I just don't want the air light come on if I didn't put the sensors on. Please let me know.

Thank you

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Yes if you dont want the light you have to get the tpms sensors and program them to the vehicle.

Hi Guys
I put my chrome rims on my 06 Explorer for a trial run. I did not buy any sensors yet. So far my light for the tires hasn't came on. Do you guys think it will stay off?

Thank you

well technically it should be on. i have noticed on my car when I change from my winter to summer rims i don't get a light. so will it stay off possibly i dont know how to test the tpms system without a obd II scanner that will to tpms / tpms programming tool that also plugs into the obd port.

Hi Rcflyer330

Then do you have tpms sensor on both sets of rims?

Thank you

Yes I do. The sensors I used have a copy and paste style programing. Basicly to program the new sensors you use a tpms tool to trigger the old sensor and copy the id the you program the new sensor with the old id.
I have only had the tpms light come on once and that was when I first got my winter tires and did not have 2 sets of rims. After the shop put the tires on I had a light and message so I hit the reset on the message center to clear the message and a 1/4 mile down the road the actual light turned off have never seen one since even after tire swaps on the same rim.
