Where and what is a MAF Sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where and what is a MAF Sensor


August 8, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Magalia, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 4 Door 4WD
Hello; and thanks for letting me post here.

I am a newbie to this forum. I have a stock 1994 Explorer with automatic transmission and 4WD.

I have a cheapie code reader which told me that my check engine light is coming on because of my MAF.

I would not know an MAF if it stood up and bit me. Where is it and how can I take it out and replace it? I hope that task can be performed with the engine in the frame !!!

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance;

Regards to All

DJ94 :exporange

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Welcome to the forum & hope you find it useful. I have nothing but good to say about the folks around here. Very helpful & quick to respond.

MAF is the Mass AirFlow sensor. It is connected between the air intake & your air filther. You need a special torx (those star hex wrenches) wrench to get the 4 screws out. It's a size 20 I believe, but the wrench needs to have a hole in the middle. I hear you might find one at a computer store because it's the same type for a computer power supply. I got a whole set from Autozone for about $10.

Here's a thread to a past post that shows a good picture of the MAF

Also, try a search of the forum for mass

Good luck & welcome home :)

Here's a picture from that thread:

Thanks for the help!

I did read some other posts about this part and the screws also; and then I found it on my vehicle. Those photos are excellent and confirm what the part looks like. I have also read about what it does and how to clean it ... and now the sad part ... my little code reader did not throw any codes about the MAF but instead a Code 214; which, after doing some searches, appears to relate to either or both cam and crank sensors.

The Ford Explorer manual has a section of sequential tests to determine exactly what the problem is with 214 Code problems.

Do you kind souls have any photos of cam and/or crank sensors?

I have only a few weeks to identify and rectify this problem so I can get my Explorer smogged.



'94 is the pushrod (OHV) engine. I don't think it has a cam sensor. It does have a crank sensor, though. Look at the front of the engine 'way at the bottom. You can see it if you crawl underneath. Next to the crankshaft pulley there is a small magnetic pickup mounted on a bracket. The sensor reads the teeth on the pulley.

On the MAF, usually they just need cleaning, not replacement. Use a cleaner that leaves no residue, like a good electrical contact cleaner and be careful not to damage the two sensing elements.

Welcome aboard!


Bwana Bob said:
'94 is the pushrod (OHV) engine. I don't think it has a cam sensor. It does have a crank sensor, though. Look at the front of the engine 'way at the bottom. You can see it if you crawl underneath. Next to the crankshaft pulley there is a small magnetic pickup mounted on a bracket. The sensor reads the teeth on the pulley.

I'm not sure if thats true..

Check out this recent thread (same code)


haha Magalia, thats close. I have a parts truck, and a girl i visit in magalia a couple times a week. So if you need parts let me know..and oddly enough we have the same birthday, i'll bring the beer :D


Hi Biggs;

I take it you are from Biggs? As in the Sacramento Valley?

Yes that is close!

And we have the same birthday?? Now that is a conincidence! I will be 'way too old this year; how about you?

Sadly I am not a beer drinker but we can go out in my front yard and shoot our .45s if you like!

It appears that I may be needing cam sensor parts and/or crank sensor parts; I don't know for sure yet. When you say you have a parts truck do you mean that you have one to sell parts off of or just one for your truck?

Anyway, thanks so much for writing; indeed we are near neighbors.

Maybe we can meet for lunch or something next time you come to Magalia. I work at RE/MAX of Paradise, right in Paradise; in the heart of Downtown Metropolitan Paradise, as a matter of fact.



YEP im about 20 minutes from Chico, 45 min from magalia, Yeah if you need any parts i would sell um cheap, i have 2 spare motors with all the sensors on them, so i wouldnt mind helpin you out. Im gonna be 29 here on the 16th, i was born the exact day Elvis died, so i aint nothin but a hound dog. Id love to go shootin, im a avid hunter who loves loud toys. anyways let me know if you need parts, at the least I work for The UPS Store so i can ship too. james

Hi James;

Thanks for the reply and Happy Birthday to Us! I am a little older; I will be 64 this year. I do remember the day Elvis died; for some reason I thought it was the day after out B'Day but maybe not.
Thanks for your generous offer for sensors! I need to find an OBDII tester, I am told; who will be able to tell me which part of my system is bad.

Do you have any way to test the sensors you have on your spare motors?

I found the crank sensor OK. I think the ignition unit may be the one the secondary leads come out from; but I am not sure. I have no idea what the cam sensor looks like or even if my motor has one.


Hi Brooklyn;

That is a pretty informative link (to MAF info). Somewhat over my head, but informative nonetheless. I have no plans to tweak my MAF; I just hope it does not generate any error codes!

I gather you are from Brooklyn; I was born in Manhattan, at the Doctor's Hospital (don't know if it is still there) and lived in NYC as a child until 1946.



To All;

I looked at the emissions part of my CD (supposedly from Ford originally). My particular Explorer, being made for California, has SFI-MAF fuel injection. Apparently that means it has a Cam Sensor.

I have yet to identify that particular part on my motor however. I have never seen one nor a photo of one so I don't really know what one looks like. I understand the transmission has to be loosened from the frame to service it. Does that mean remove the exhaust system and the driveshaft?

Thanks to anyone who can help.



New too

I am new to this forum too but just by coincidence I just replaced my airflow sensor 3 days ago. Rather then buy just the small section and have to buy special screw I bought the entire unit from autozone. After the core it came out to about 90 dollars. I had to use RTV instead of a new gasket because it didnt come with one. It was very easy and took about 10 minutes. I used a flat head screwdriver and a torque wrench. I have a 94 explorer too and read that this is a common problem on 94 explorers. Not sure how true that is. But all in all this made a world of difference. Goodluck

Maf Sensor

I have a 93 xlt X used a code reader got codes saying my o2 sensors where bad and had a bad maf sensor ,lol read up on this a little and this is a common problem with the maf sensor getting build up on them just pull my maf and carefully wiped it off with carb cleaner and Q tip and put it back unhooked neg. Battery cable for a least 10 minutes, runs like new and no more codes have come up since . well worth a try before you waste your cash on some thing you don't really need. :usa: :navajo:

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