Where do I find these clear tail lights? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where do I find these clear tail lights?


Active Member
December 27, 2008
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City, State
Southeast Georgia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Sport 4x4
I'm looking into getting clear signal and corner lights soon for my X, but I didn't really think of getting new tail lights for it, since I really don't like the Euro-style tail lamps. But then I saw an image from the photo gallery that showed these tail lamps:


(courtesy of zavaral)

Does anyone know where I can find tail lights similar to these, and approximately how much they'll cost?


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Titan, just realize the cops may give you a lot of hassle because they aren't reflective red. As for where you'd get them I'm not sure, I know I saw the link to them a while back, and want to say they may have been discontinued...

Try the lmctruck catalogs, you may have some luck there.

Good point, I didn't think of that. And the Georgia State Patrol don't seem to be the friendliest law enforcers out there (at least from what I've seen). I've had them drop in behind me while I was rolling down the road before just waiting for me to do something...heh.

I'll take a look in there. Thanks :)

im also looking for clear break light houseings like them
i dont think cops can give you a bad time because lexyus cars have clear
break light cases and the only color there are the red lcd's
and they sell red yellow and also white lcd's in autozone

ps i also dont like the euro style ones :mad:

I already have them, and would also like to know where to get them, for when I break one on a tree or something. A buddy of mine told me that they are no longer made.

i have looked so hard with no luck so far only ones that pop up are the euro ones

I am 100% positive I have seen them on ebay multiple times, regular ebay I believe.
Try tons of different things, dut search 1994 explorer (I always search that first, and find what i want) first.
Make sure you search and go through all the pages, I have found that if you use the catagories to narrow it down it leaves some things out of the results.

As for them not having the red on the inside, I am sure you could open them up and spray the inside red and put the clear lens back on.

I use red bulbs in mine.

I use red bulbs in mine.

That is all i would do and let it be, but if the cops hasstled me about it i would probably spray some red in there.

kinda like this.

hmmm maybe i should sell the set i have..........

i am sure myself and many others would jump all over them

I had some for a while, got tired of them and sold them. This web site was the last place I knew of that still sold them new (up until about 6 months ago when they finally ran out of stock). http://procarparts.stores.yahoo.net/foex91cltali.html
I think you'll have to find them used now.

I took Josh's advice, and looked in the LMC truck parts catalog, and they are in there:

LMC Truck Parts catalog - Page 139

They are $34.95 each. (In the catalog, go by the "Sell" price.)

i think those are the factory. that is why they say red/clear. clear being your reverse light area. if it was what you were looking for it would say clear/clear or just clear.

But that is just how i am perceiving it.

It would certainly be nice if they showed color pics of the tail lights so you can know for sure... :/

Nevertheless, I saw a lot of other useful parts that were reasonably-priced.

LMC doesnt carry the clear tail lights.

I have been looking for a set for quite some time now myself, and the one place that said they had them were sold out when I went to order them.

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I would like to find a clear lens for the third brake light too, anyone ever seen any of them?
