Which Master cylinder do I need??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Which Master cylinder do I need???


Explorer Addict
June 24, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
McHenry, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Eddie Bauer AWD V8
OK, after doing everything on my brakes to try and solve the spongy pedal, I have finally traced it down to the Master cylinder, mainly because there was no paint left on mt brake booster. :banghead:

Well I went on RockAuto to price out a new one, but there are quite a few different ones that I see, and I am very lost. Maybe somebody here can help me out.

My truck is 1996 Eddie Bauer Explorer, with ABS, and Cruse control... so what do I need. I want just a plug and play master cylinder, I know I have to bench bleed it, but I want the tank, and plug for the cruse control plug as well.

Thanks all for the info.
