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Who here runs HID headlights????

Who here runs HID headlights???? (PIC'S & VIDEO ADDED)

I recently bought an HID kit from DDM Tuning and I am not sure what I got myself into. I purchased the 9007 (low beam only) 55w slim digital 8000K kit. Anyone else run this exact kit? Will I need a relay harness? Is heat going to be an issue? Anyone have any pics? Will they look like poo in my stock assemblies, and if so what housings work better?

Opinions, concerns, tips, tricks, do's and do not's, preference of 35w vs 55w or vice versa, color preferences, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO GIVE SOME INPUT / FEEDBACK........ Thanks

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i suggest buying ANY ddm tuning accessories through www.dabears2k.com

site looks sketchy, but i've always dealt with them (had a mazda prior to the ex, they're a forum sponsor over there). if you buy the kit from them, you get all the options and i believe it either comes with for FREE or the option for the relay harness is available, already made!

if you have any other questions let me know

Thanks for the reply. Can you possibly reply on some of the other questions?? 4500K or 5000K? 35w vs 55w? And the relay harness I linked to on ebay, will that be correct for me to use? As stated, it only has one side to input. I'll check out the site you linked too. Thanks again.

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Got 2 kits from DDM Tuning. Quality stuff, worth the money. 55w 10,000k lows, and 35w 8,000 fogs. Wiring harness on the fogs just because the stock wiring harness that came with the fogs was complete crap. no harness on my lows though.



so you have a relay harness for your 35w fogs and not ur 55w lowbeams. should be the other way around. do the low beams ever not work? I have high beam 55w from ddm and they occacsianly dont work and i dont have a relay. And i have 35w in fogs and lows with no relay and they work wonders. debating whether i should upgrade to 55w or not i just dont feel like spending extra money on the relay.

so you have a relay harness for your 35w fogs and not ur 55w lowbeams. should be the other way around. do the low beams ever not work? I have high beam 55w from ddm and they occacsianly dont work and i dont have a relay. And i have 35w in fogs and lows with no relay and they work wonders. debating whether i should upgrade to 55w or not i just dont feel like spending extra money on the relay.

Yeah I still need to get one for my 55w. VERY occasionally one of them doesnt work. maybe like one turn-on out of 50 (rough estimate) the only reason I got one for my 35's is because it was heating up the walmart switch so much that it felt like it was going to catch on fire in my cab lol. Ive been in AF basic and tech school for the past 3 months so i havent seen my truck in awhile. bout to start spending all my money on her again though. lots of plans. (HID's for aux backup lights :p ) But Im very satisfied with my DDM HID's. Never gave me any trouble.

HIDs take several seconds to reach full brightness as the discharge begins. Backup lights need to come on immediately because once they come on you're already starting to move backwards. Last thing you want is to put it in reverse and then have to wait a couple seconds every time. Also, more importantly, HID bulbs aren't designed for hot re-ignitions so if you switch from reverse to drive and back to reverse you'd be killing the bulbs faster. I'd suggest a high power Halogen backup auxiliary, same as you'd do for high beams. Unfortunately HIDs are just too slow for some uses.

And yes you need a harness for the 55 W ones even more so than for the 35 W ones.

Im not saying I would use them as primary backup lights because i wouldnt want to blind the hell out of the people behind me. I would be getting them mostly for show/if i need light behind my truck for any reason. Like when im on the beach at night with some friends chillin...and we need some light. I got them lol

Does anyone have a newer model explorer with hid's in heads and fogs....i think im going to order mine this week 55w 6000k heads and 35w 6000k fogs....but i would like to see them on in a newer bodystyle like the one i just bought an 08'

Just put these 35W 6000K's in my friends 97 explorer. When spring rolls around, clear housings will be going in to improve the cutoff... These stock housings are not good with HID's because they throw the light allover the ground and are tricky to aim.. Had this same problem with my bronco until I swapped to clear housings.



55W 8000K in my 96 bronco, I still have to mess with the kit (hi/lo reversed, tweak the aim) These are noticeably brighter than my 35W's, and alot whiter to... I loved the Ice blue look of the 35W's, but i think these are less noticable as retrofits as they are pure white.

I followed my brother LiKuiD in his 94 eddie bauer with a 2" lift and 31's and he said my headlights do not glare at all, they are only shining inside when I am right behind him at a stoplight. Thats fine by me, whenever someone cuts me off at night and I'm behind them at a stop light or sign I just pull up REALLY close to them and watch their interior glow white :D



i want to see them in a 2008 model or newer thats what i bought my gf and i would like to see them in there and see if anyone has any complaints

I just got DDM 55w 6k and diamond cut headlights, Any issues melting the housings? i just don't want to mess up the new housings its on a 91

You was better off starting a new thread with a link to this thread than to revive it.

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