Who is mormon here??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Who is mormon here???


Well-Known Member
November 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Provo, Utah
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 xlt 4 door
Hey all. I just read through a thread, and saw that someone was a member of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. I am a member. Been once since I was born. Anyways, I was just curious to see how many other people are mormon on this site, because there have to be a grip. And I am not trying to start any flames or something. Its all good. :D

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I am... Jefe is Mormon as well....

Hey Buds, I just noticed that you're from Provo... I grew up in Utah... My in-laws live in Highland... We'll be over there in May for a wedding probably, maybe we can get together and do some wheelin...

That would be real tight heath. I am going to BYU, so I am always ready. :D let me know the dates that you are coming. I will clear up a weekend or something. I might have to fix my exploder. Just let me know when you are coming down. ok, who else is.

I am, too.

Mr. Shorty. You live in spanish fork Utah. We should meet up somewhere, and go wheelin. I am in provo, so we are real close. peace

I'm not - but, I did get a chance to see the new temple in Nauvoo, IL (wife's parents live across the river in Ft. Madison, IA). Before they dedicated it (or after), they let the public go through to see it, gave a great tour and let all us outsiders see into the life of a LDS member. Interesting stuff and what a great temple that is!


That was amazing. My roomate went through that temple when the public did, and he said it was absolutely incredible.

I was born into a huge mormon family. All my relatives are mormon, and they have been for as far back as they can trace. My immediate family stopped going to church when I was about 5....15 years later now, and my grandparents are still in denial! But anyway, Ive still got a TON of cousins and stuff in Utah. I've even got a few cute cousins who are at BYU with you Buds007!;)

do any of them like to 4wheel. If so, give me some names. I need make more use of my exploder, I am not using it to its full potential.
