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why explorer?


New Member
June 2, 2003
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Ramona, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT
I know that explorers rule, but why does everyone else out there like them? What made you buy one and love it?

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i knew several people with trucks/suvs and all those ith fords never had problems with them. the chevys sis and at the time, i didnt want a picup so that ruled out dodge. (didnt want full size)

also, have you ever tried to dind a 2-dr chevy blazer 4x4 with the big v6 and a 5-speed....almost impossible. the ex was at the right place, right time, and rigt price with almost all the features i wanted in an suv.

Let's see...I loved my old Explorer so I knew I wanted another. Although I would love to have an Expedition they are too expensive and love gas so that was out of the question. I would like a F-150 but my mother wanted me to have a fully enclosed vehicle so there wen that idea. I do like the 4-door model but I wanted the dash layout of the old Explore because I liek the way it looks. So what does that leave for me to choose? A Sport Trac and Sport. Since I had to have a fully enclose vehicle the only thing left was the Sport. I haven't regretted getting one at all. I love it.

ive only had mine for 2 weeks and so far i love it!

i used to drive a cherokee that thing was a tank.. beat the crap out of it.. but it wasnt fun driving, no power handling sucks but was very reliable in a way never left me strantded, was actually looking to purchase another but the wife wanted somthing different somthing bigger so we went with a ford xplorer 93 2wd and so far am i glad i bought it, the space is HUGE the gas consumption well its a truck :) performance is good and its very comfortable inside... also i was in a recent accident last year i was in a van and got hurt.. this time around punks better get out of my way ;)

sorry for the long story


I bought my '94 7 years ago. When shopping for an SUV I wanted something with 4WD. We looked at many other makes, but the '94 explorer seemed to fit my needs. One thing that sold us was having the spare under the vehicle. Other makes at the time seemed to either have the spare in the way (attached to the hatch/tailgate) or in the cargo area which seemed like a big waste of space.
When I need to replace this vehicle, I most likely will get another explorer. In the 7 years of owning it it never left me stranded, and always started (except for the time the battery went dead, and it was due to be replaced anyhow).

Dad has had 3 company owned Explorers (97,99,02) and now has a '98 Mounty and has always liked the 2nd Gen X's. So when we were looking to replace my Acura Legend, i knew it had to be a 4Runner or a '99+ X Sport with the SOHC. 4Runners just cost to dang much, and dad got a hot deal on my X from a dealer friend up in PA. She pulls great (i have a 4.10 LS), handles great, and i can get 20 mpg on the highway if i drive right. I love my X!

I have always bought Ford for myself. '67 Stang to a '68 F100 to the '87 F150 and now my X. The only vehicle that I did not have for more than 3 years was the 68 F100, and that was because I had gotten it as a handme down from my dad after I got married. I put about 75k on the stang myself in 5 years, then the 68 for 2 years. My 87 lasted me 110k in 11 years and was in pristine shape when I traded on the X. Now the X is still in excellent shape and has 110k and still rolling. I bought it for the rear seats (kids) and 4x4.
Now my wife doesn't choose by brand, she is an impulse buyer when it comes to cars. Since we have been married she has had; Pontiac Grandville, Honda Civic, Pont Sunbird, Pont Bonneville, Saturn, the Finnally a FORD Windstar (7 years now). The Windstar is the only one that has lasted longer than the payment schedule ,and we bought it USED (95 and bought in 96)!!!! I think that says a lot for FORD...

In '97, Explorers were on top of the Consumer's Report SUV list. In addition, a number one selling SUV. I figured it was a no-brainer.

A year later, Lexus, Mercedez, Durangos, all came out. Not that I could afford any of the first 2 anyways. I would've considered the Durango though.

The first truck I ever got to drive was my youngest girl's father's 1985 Bronco, he had all the mods and stuff and I loved it, and always said to myself that that's what I would get for myself when I bought my first vehicle. But times change and the Ford Bronco was phased out to make room for the Explorer. As a matter of fact, 1st gen Explorer XLTs remind me alot of the original Bronco. Although Bronco II is still made, I think they are way too small. The first Explorer I drove was my brother's 1991 XLT, which was slightly modified. Four days after he registered it though it was totaled due to some idiot running the stop sign and jamming on his gas, plowing into my brother's Explorer on the driver's side. I literally cried when I saw the damage done to that Explorer (both doors, centerpost, rocker panels, and floor damage, around $6,000 damage on a truck he paid $3,500 for). With the insurance settlement he turned around and bought 2 Explorers, the '92 green XLT 5-speed that he drives, and the '92 twilight blue Sport that I drive.

One of the other reasons is that they are higher up than cars, and for me who has trouble climbing in and out of cars due to messed up knees, the Explorer fits the bill perfectly. :)

Originally posted by SoBeLover
Although Bronco II is still made, I think they are way too small.

WHERE :eek: !?!??...

i would new BII in a heartbeat
