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Why I didn't buy my Explorer today


New Member
April 29, 2011
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Seattle, WA
I went to pick up and purchase my new Explorer LTD today - the one that I ordered back in April. Sadly, I ended up walking away from it because of things I found on the vehicle that didn't seem appropriate for a brand-new vehicle.

What do you all look for when picking up a new vehicle? What rights do you have if you miss something before driving it off the lot?

My story:
When doing an initial walk-around, I found a 1/2" dent in the hood surface. Not anything too serious, but very noticeable in light reflections. As we looked closer, I found several more, ranging in diameter from 1/8" to 1/2". About 7 on the hood, one above the windshield, and another on the tailgate. Again, I didn't see any scratches - the paint all seemed to be fine, just irregularities in the surface that became very noticeable when looking at the reflections.

The salesman asserted that this was normal - that all new cars have something wrong - and that I was being picky. He said it must have come off the line like this, and that it must have passed Ford's QA for it to be delivered this way. I thought for sure, Ford would make sure to get these issues fixed - after all, how can you expect to sell a car as brand new with dents in the hood? He assured me that for aesthetic issues like this, Ford won't do anything, and that these issues are to be expected in a car at this price point. If I expected perfection, I should go with a different brand. He added that if I didn't want it, he was confident that someone else would come along and be happy to take it.

I've never seen a new car that came with dents/dings in the exterior panels, and my cheap Honda definitely wasn't delivered like this. I thought about it long and hard - I really wanted to buy the vehicle. But for a vehicle priced over $45k, I didn't see how dents in the exterior could be acceptable. I walked away from the deal, and while I'm disappointed, I feel good about the decision. I'm certain that over time, I would have felt like I got screwed over, and I'd be pissed at my dealer and at Ford.

But I'm still a bit miffed by what the salesman told me, and I have a couple thoughts:
1) If it's true that Ford considers aesthetic defects to be normal, that really doesn't bode well for the rest of the vehicle's quality. I wonder how Ford (Cory?) would feel about the salesman's statements.
2) What if I hadn't done a thorough walk-around before signing and driving off the lot? I'd probably be screwed, right?

Btw, once I made up my mind that I was going to pass on it, he acknowledged that it might have been hail damage during transit. I now have an order for a 2012 model (I already waited 2 months for this, what's another couple months?). He was pretty kind throughout the process; he says he'll have no problem selling the vehicle to someone else.

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Wow that sucks man, sorry to hear that. Well... now its time to step into a 4th Gen to have some fun in a real truck.

I feel what you are saying. When we purchased ours I signed paperwork and put a biiiig downpament before I saw the vehicle.....it was a dealer locate. When we went to pick-up the vehicle there were paint nics, leather scuffs and some small flakes in the perforated leather....looks like paint chips. I spoke to the detailer about the paint chips and he told me if he had to repaint any of those there was a chance that the paint would not match the rest of the new car color. I was also told that the flakes in the leather would not be covered under the Warranty unless the flakes get bigger. I don't know if Corey can comment on this? I am upset at myself for not walking away from the car....but we had to get a rig due to our 2011 Chevy Traverse was totaled after having it only six months....hit a black cow at night and the car caught on fire and burned up. So I have always been a Ford man and went with the X. I think your dealer and mine are all full of it. So as per my conversation with my dealer I am going to keep my eye on the leather flakes and the paint nicks....if they get worse I will be taking it back for warranty work. I do love driving the rig but as everyone else on this forum have run into problems with A-Pillar noise and streaky windows.

My story:
When doing an initial walk-around, I found a 1/2" dent in the hood surface. ... I found several more, ranging in diameter from 1/8" to 1/2". About 7 on the hood, one above the windshield, and another on the tailgate.

The salesman asserted that this was normal - that all new cars have something wrong - and that I was being picky. He said it must have come off the line like this, and that it must have passed Ford's QA for it to be delivered this way.

A perfect example of why car dealerships have a deservedly bad reputation. Scumbags like that salesman, who knows that the car didn't leave the factory in that condition, try to pass it off as "nothing". Lying to the customer to make a sale... And I really like that he then admitted it was hail damage.

You did the right thing. Unfortunate.

In the State of Illinois (not sure how this works in other states) it is NOT illegal to sell a new car, with damage repair done during the dealership's delivery process and prep. But, it is illegal to sell a car in Illinois with this damage, IF the buyer asks, and they mislead or flat our lie.

Therefore, I always prepare a simple one page one paragraph letter, that I request be signed by the dealership's General Manager (or higher up than the GM) stating that this specific vehicle (list year, model, VIN, color, etc) has not been repair for any accident damage during the delivery & prep process to the best of thier knowledge.

I figure this forces their hand to come clean, and then I can decide if I want to close the purchase or walk away.

Sounds like your car was beaten by a hailstorm, probably on the dealer lot or on the trailer truck. You did the right thing.

You did the right thing. Unfortunate.

In the State of Illinois (not sure how this works in other states) it is NOT illegal to sell a new car, with damage repair done during the dealership's delivery process and prep. But, it is illegal to sell a car in Illinois with this damage, IF the buyer asks, and they mislead or flat our lie.

In Michigan they can sell a dealer demo car as "New" if it has not been titled. The manager at a dealership here had a car I wanted and he had been driving as his personal car. We had a bit of a disagreement over using the term "used" as to me it was a used vehicle. To him, and legally, it was still new despite the 2000 miles he put on it.

It's not normal and one may find a minor thing or two... but dents and scratches or chips are not the norm. thats why now they wrap a lot of the bodywork so that there is minimum chance of scratches and chips during transit. i wouldnt accept a car with dents. he was just trying to close the sale and make some money.

I agree. It's one thing to nit-pick a 1/16 of an inch off set on a door panel but any dent, paint, carpet, or leather damage should be fixed/replaced. A new car is a new car, no mater if it's a 15K Kia or a 300K Maybach. You might accept it easier on a Kia but that doesn't make it right. Hell, if I was buying a bicycle for $300, I wouldn't except dents, paint chips, or imperfections, so I certainly would accept it in this case.
Personally, I would cancel the order and find a different dealer, but that's just me. Anyone who would try to make you buy a damaged car and belittle spending 45K is untrustworthy.

what a crock of ****... as soon as i read the first couple of lines it was obvious it was from hail!!! that sales person is a D!(!<. as stated above, thats y car salesmen (and women) have bad reps. i'm sure that guys manager would like to hear about this because if you were to spread the word i'm sure they would lose some sales. did you go to another dealer to order your 2012? if you didn't please say you at least used another salesperson..

In Michigan they can sell a dealer demo car as "New" if it has not been titled. The manager at a dealership here had a car I wanted and he had been driving as his personal car. We had a bit of a disagreement over using the term "used" as to me it was a used vehicle. To him, and legally, it was still new despite the 2000 miles he put on it.

i think thats like that everywhere. we bought a MKX that was driven like 4000 miles or so but never titled, the owner of the dealership drove it for a while. i think there is a limit on miles though, maybe 5 or 6K. anything over the limit has to be sold as used, even if never titled.... i could be wrong though

A perfect example of why car dealerships have a deservedly bad reputation. Scumbags like that salesman, who knows that the car didn't leave the factory in that condition, try to pass it off as "nothing". Lying to the customer to make a sale... And I really like that he then admitted it was hail damage.

Couldnt have said it any nicer myself. Randy is being really kind when calling this guy a scumbag. Other words come to mind...

You did the right thing by walking away from a flawed vehicle. As muddler said, pricepoint has Nothing to do with condition. Thats pretty ignorant and demeaning to Ford that he even said that.

New is New, that vehicle needs to be fixed (I still would never buy it) or put on a "Hail Damage" sale. Sadly someone will buy it and not notice it until they get it home whereas the salesliar will say oh the vehicle was absolutely mint before we sold it to you...

What's the name of the dealership. That way we can all avoid the DOUCHEBAG.

Davis, you did the right thing. I ordered my 2011 explorer, and luckly it was not damaged in transit. Because the salesman tried to sell you a damaged vehicle, I would have taken my business elsewhere.

The good thing is that you now have an order for a 2012. :exp: Thanks for sharing this interesting story.

That does sound like hail/transit damage.
I have found my Ex to have great fit and finish.

Small Dent on My X

I drove home and found a small dent on my X. The dealer said no problem we will fix this. That's how your dealer should have reacted.

Yikes. What a crappy salesperson/dealer.

Thanks all for making me feel all warm and fuzzy about my decision. It's only my 2nd car purchase, and my first experience buying a Ford. In hindsight I wish I had handled it different in person.

To those suggesting I cancel the order and go with a different dealer, well this one has the best reviews on dealerrater.com of the dealers in my area. Furthermore, this salesman did a really good job of being transparent throughout the ordering process. I had none of he problems that others seem to have ordering and getting delivery of this car. I ordered mid-April, got a build date of May 21, and it was delivered on June 2. I would have picked it up then but I was out of the country for a few weeks. Point being this: the dealer has done a really good job taking and delivering on my order, and if I really want this thing, they might still be my best bet.

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I don't care how good the dealer reputation. I would insist on talking with General Manager or owner. If I felt it was an isolated salesperson issue & they fired the salesperson, I would probably stay with the dealer on the 2012 If there was any indication that the dealership condoned the salesperson's approach, there is no way I would do business with them.


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