Why is my coolant disappearing? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Why is my coolant disappearing?

David S.

Well-Known Member
February 25, 1999
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2020 Altima AWD
I am loosing coolant and I cannot figure out where? I have new hoses, clamps, thermostat, water pump, heater core, and none of those places show any signs of leaking. My emissions was tested and the guy was really impressed for 10 year old X. There is no leaking on the ground. Can't figure it out. Any help?

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Radiator Cap. Exhaust. Oil. Its gotta be going somewhere. Hope its not going into the engine through bad gaskets.
Probably ought to have a garage pressure check the system. Hope its just the cap.

heater control valve maybe?

Also being that they are new doesn't mean they may not leak. Check their connections throroughly. Is it clean under there? If not, you may want to wash it out a little so you are sure it's not leaking. And if you're sure......you may have a problem with your head gaskets. What color is your oil? Does it look good?

Look at your freez plugs.

could have a cracked radiator......

Check ur oil n see if it looks like a chocolate milkshake.

How much are you losing? I lose a little every month, I add about 3/4 inch to the overflow tank about once every 6 weeks, I'm told small loss is normal for this engine. I too have no leaks and oil is clean.

True, a very small amount will evaporate, but if you are adding it once a week, that's excessive. Start it up and let it get to running temp, put it on ramps and crawl under it while its running. Thats how I found that my water pump was leaking on my Mustang. It would drip once every 10 seconds. Very hard to notice. Good Luck

coolant loss

check for leak at radiator side tank look real close from underneath may only leak in cold weather or temp changes
