will 94-01 mustang GT (non cobra) 17" wheels fit an AWD X? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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will 94-01 mustang GT (non cobra) 17" wheels fit an AWD X?


February 21, 2007
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'97 Explorer XLT V8 AWD
I posted this in the tire and wheels forum, but I haven't gotten any feed back yet....I found a set of 94-01 mustang gt 17" factory wheels for cheap and I was wondering if they would fit on a 97 X AWD. I checked on boltpatterns.com and the bolt pattern is the same, but the X has a center bore of 70.6 and the mustang is 70.3. The factory cobra wheels are the same 70.3 so I was wondering if they would fit or not. Will the smaller center bore not fit over the hub on the X? Any help would be great...I don't want to drive a few hours to get them just to find out they don't fit.


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Did you measure your wheel bore? or the axle flange? they may not be the same it is common for the wheel to have a larger bore than the size of the axle flange, my ranger is this way.
But, If the center bore is too small they will not work, unless you mod the wheels this is probably not worth it, you also may see that the offset is not optimal on mustang wheels for an explorer, they will be inside the fenders.

They should go on fine, but the offset is more important. I have had 94-96 Cobra wheels on before, those have an offset of 30-32mm. Check on those wheels first, I think that after those they went to 40mm+ offsets. The OEM offset is printed on the backside, as in "44ET" etc.


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thanks for the input! I will check on that!

mine measured 70.5 on the hub so i'm not sure if a wheel with a center bore diameter less than that will be able to fit...

dont take my word on it since i havent seen the inside of the wheel that you want to use..

I'd think sand paper could take care of that little differance, or a die grinder in worst case.
