Will Crown Vic Rotors Fit? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will Crown Vic Rotors Fit?


Well-Known Member
September 8, 2005
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City, State
Humboldt, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 4X4
Anyone know if Crown Vic rotors will fit a '97 Explorer (up front)?

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bump? Anyone know?

the bolt pattern is the same, but i think the depth of the "hat" is not, the crown vic rotors have a very deep hat and the explorers seem shallow

I kind of doubt it. If you took some measurements of the rotors I'm sure some of the more knowledgeable guys on here could tell you for sure. If you want slotted rotors you could just get some powerslot rotors.

Thanks, I hadn't heard of those before. Went wheeling today, harvesting oak on a local mountain, and had to ride the brakes on the way back down. (WAY steep for miles) It got pretty scarry when brake fade set in and I could smell the ceramic burning...almost plowed into my buddy's Dodge despite having droped my rig into lower gears...that would'a sucked.

The Explorer rotor offset is 1.450", much more than most vehicles, Mustangs are 0.350" of offset.

Bed in your brakes well before any hard use. All pads will have a little fade in them until they are bedded in properly. Brake pads do not fully bed in with normal use. They must experience near fade temperatures, and they all will create that smell when reaching those proper temperatures.

Chances are that your brakes weren't completely bedded in, they will work better next time in the same situation. When completely broken in(bedded), pads will likely not make any smell unless seriously abused. I'd suggest better pads, nothing from any local parts store, anything else will be better. Good luck,

almost plowed into my buddy's Dodge despite having droped my rig into lower gears...
4LO and the shifter set to 1st gear wasnt enough?

the 95-01 explorer uses 52-125494 (4WD W/ABS), 52-125495 (2WD w ABS), and 52-61911 (2WD w/o ABS)
the 95-97 crown vic uses 52-125476 across the board
the 98-02 uses 52-125514
anything earlier is no similiarity
so they wont fit, maybe if you have access to a lathe, who knows what you could do. the bolt pattern IS about all that is the same. but really, why not just go out and buy a NEW set of cross drilled and slotted rotors of off explore expre..
