Will this grill guard fit? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Will this grill guard fit?

Explorer VS Cement BLOCK

I wouldnt hit anything on purpose with it

This is where I always park when I go to the library to study.


I couldn't resist! with my new grill guard, I just had to!:D

First test: slowly creep up to the wall until the guard touches the cement and let off the breaks and see if the grill guard can keep its integrity while the truck is in drive, pushing against the cement.


Second test: Back away from cement wall about a foot, from a stop, let off of the breaks and slam into the wall while the truck is in drive and see if the grill guard can hold its integrity. -man that was intense!



well actually, see the picture of the three bolts where the grill guard is mounted to the bracket which connects to the frame, the bolt holes are quite big and allow for quite a bit of room to re position the grill at multiple angles when the bolts are loosened. Well in the second test the guard came all the way back to the hood, because of the slack in the bolt holes. The guard did not come all the way back, but left about 1" of space between the guard and hood after the slack in the bolt holes were taken out. When I got home all I did was loosen the bolts back up, pull the guard back to its original position and tighten them all back up to about 120 ft/lb of torque

The guard has no damage at all! No bending, twisting or even scuffing from the cement

Everybody in their *cool* little hybrid cars better watch out now!


here are pics once I got back home that night and re-positioned the guard after the "incident", any person that happened to be looking at me must have thought I was stupid. ;)



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Your crazy Mike!! ;)

Glad it did what it was supposed to do...

LoL....wow...I never woulda done that...that mite have been enough of a impact to set airbags off....Nice job tho!:thumbsup:

LoL....wow...I never woulda done that...that mite have been enough of a impact to set airbags off....Nice job tho!:thumbsup:

Yes, perhaps. Concerning the air bags, now that I think back perhaps my experiment was not one of my better resolutions. Perhaps my air bags did not deploy is because the air bag light has been flashing a code 33 at me for the past couple months. Maybe my airbags are disabled.

I'm going to start this thread up again...

I've got a Manik grill guard for a second Gen, but no mounting brackets, where the heck can I find just mounting brackets for ittt??? I've looked everywhere.

I'm going to start this thread up again...

I've got a Manik grill guard for a second Gen, but no mounting brackets, where the heck can I find just mounting brackets for ittt??? I've looked everywhere.

Suggest contacting manik
