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Will this spoiler fit my 98, it says 99-01


A Man Without Wheels
December 9, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer (R.I.P.)
I found on E-Bay a Spoiler that is the exact color of my Explorer. Question is, they list it as "1999-2002 Ford Explorer RED Roof Spoiler OEM" and I want one bad. I thought 98 and 99 are the same. Will this fit my 98 or do I need one specifically for my 98?
Thanks in advance.

If you have to bid on one, bit on the green one next to it, LOL. That is if this one will fit my 98.

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yes it will fit

Got a link to it?

98-01 Explorers have the same rear tailigate....In 2002 they switched to the new style hatch......I would believe its a misprint and it will fit yours

It looks good from here. You're lucky it matches the color of your truck too. You should get it. Just make sure it isn't for '02 as pictured. You might have to email the seller.

I did email him and he said it would fit my 98. I have already placed my bid in on E-Bay. Woofers to dogsworld, LOL.

ahh spolier =)...

That spoiler will fit, so I hope you win your bid. BTW...I have the same one I got off E-bay from BonesEnterprises. I am real happy with mine. My color is the ONLY color that they don't have in the OEM color...had to paint it myself. Is yours like mine? You will be happy if it is.


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mhn3773 said:
ahh spolier =)...
It's SPOILER LOL You knew that was coming, LOL.

The spoilers look sharp but does anyone have any experience as to how much the spoilers affect gas mileage?

I'll be honest with that one. I am buying mine purely for the looks. I would assume that they very little effect on gas mileage at all.

oh my god is that even worth it?

Gas mileage? I thought they were ment to keep the rear window cleaner by directing the airflow down across the window, preventing dirt and rain from getting blown back onto the window?

Sallad420 said:
Gas mileage? I thought they were ment to keep the rear window cleaner by directing the airflow down across the window, preventing dirt and rain from getting blown back onto the window?
They are. I bought this one. Save myself about 40 bucks instead of getting the same one from the dealer. Just waiting now to see what type of shape it is in once it arrives.

I can see where the spoilers might improve mpg slightly; since they would break the "suction" behind the vehicle. Do they really keep the rear window clean? If so, I'm considering one for my Sport.....

Runnin'OnEmpty said:
I can see where the spoilers might improve mpg slightly; since they would break the "suction" behind the vehicle. Do they really keep the rear window clean? If so, I'm considering one....

bottomlesspit: your ass cleaner w/ one of those things? :p

I was wiping real hard....o'h wait, wrong question!!!
My take on how well these things keep the rear clean is MAYBE!
I found that at highway speed it DOES seem to keep the rear window cleaner. At normal cruise around town I don't notice much difference. Stuff splatters no matter what!
I do find the fit and finish very good on this item. The strength and attachment is second to none. I get a lot of compliments since I have the only one in this town.
Yea, a little cleaner but don't get your expectations too high. After getting my rear wiper arm to work like it should, it does a better job than the spoiler.
