Willy CJ2A help... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Willy CJ2A help...


Well-Known Member
November 12, 2001
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City, State
Huntington Beach, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Ranger FX4
Is anyone one here knowledgeable or does anyone have links to good resources. I may have fallen in to a great deal on a 1947 and would like to run between 31-33s, get it locked and caged, and keep it a legal street driver, along with something I can tow out and run on harder trails that the Ranger can't go on.

Let me know if you have answers. :D


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I can't help you, but one of my friends has a CJ-2A. See if you can get in contact with 2001gtboy, he'll probably be able to help you out

Join the Inland Empire 4 Wheelers Club, or the Orange County 4 Play Offroad club.


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go over to www.rrorc.com and i believe Pottsey has a Willy's similar if not the same as that, and he's running either 31 or 33in Goodyear MTRs

Thanks for the info guys, here is the scoop...

I have an oppourtunity to purchase a project I have been dreaming about. A 1947 Willy's CJ-2A with the original flathead and 70,000 miles. The Jeep is in pieces (all parts are there), but the frame is freshly straightened and powder coated. Also the body has straight original sheetmetal and is also feshly painted. All the plaques and VIN plates are in good shape and all guages working and original. Engine needs a rebuild, tranny is in good shape. Axles are stock with 5.38 (? owner isn't sure) gears. Also has original wheels.

I have been dreaming about getting my hands on this Jeep for some time now and the owner (a friend of mine) is ready to sell it in the next few months (wife kids, no time - you know the story) and said he would hold on to it until I was ready (tax return time or sooner) to buy. The problem is, neither of us know what it is worth. Any ideas, anyone? He wants, in the neighborhood of, $2000. It sounds fair to me, but I have no idea.

Basically I want to build it up mildly, close to stock with a slight lift so that I can run weekend trails, like the Rubicon and have something fun to putz around town in on Sunday trips to the beach. I am not going to restore it, and I am not making a full rock crawler out of it. It'll be a nice complement to the Ranger. It would be nice to have something to take where the Ranger can't go and to increase my off-road skill level. What do you guys think?

I say go for it.

I would love to have one of those, and imagine you would too :)
