Window motor advice please | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Window motor advice please


Well-Known Member
September 18, 2009
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City, State
San Antonio, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Eddie Bauer
Before I tear into it let me give you the symptoms and ask for some thoughts of what I should be looking for...Driver's window.

1...When I press the power window button up or down...Window stays put but you can hear and feel the window motor operating.

2...I can get the window to go up and down only if I push it up or down while activating the window button.

Thoughts ?

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Anime's thread for replacing the window motor bushings is the BOMB!

I just recently had to replace my daughter's motor in her 99 Ranger. I didn't even bother with the bushings because her motor had no means of getting it open, so I just replaced the entire motor. Only cost me $75 and Advance Auto Parts had the part in stock. Took me only 5 minutes to replace once I got the new motor.

O'Reilly's has the repair pieces for the OEM motor. Price is $7.99 Takes about an hour to remove, disassemble, and repair the OEM motor and it is good to go for another 19 - 20 years.

all 4

My 92 has the same problem,except all of the windows will not roll up or down. You can hear the motors running but you have to give them some assistance. Is it common for all of them needing new bushings or am I just that lucky?

My 92 has the same problem,except all of the windows will not roll up or down. You can hear the motors running but you have to give them some assistance. Is it common for all of them needing new bushings or am I just that lucky?

It's most likely the bushings. If you take the motor out, open it up and find that it's not the bushings, you're still halfway through with the job.

I just did the bushings on my front passenger side window a few days ago. I thought I was on the hook for an entire window motor, turns out it was $4 from Kragen.

Thanks for the link, DeadlySteve. I am going to try this on the front passenger window, it's doing the exact same thing. Need them all to roll down for the summertime.
