window tint | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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window tint


New Member
October 9, 2002
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City, State
mount holly, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Sport
Im looking to tint my front windows on my 97 sport. But my rear ones have the bronze colored tint on them. Id hate for the front ones to be black and the rears bronzed. Anyone have any ideas??

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But do you know of any professional tint places where they tint that color ? Ive tried to do it myself before, and that didnt come out to good.:D

get your phone book and start calling. can you believe that out of the 15 or so places ive called anywhere near me, only one guy says he can do it. just my luck that he's like an hour away. i think im going to go do it friday

Thanks, ill definatly have to start calling around. Why does everything seem to be so difficult? Well, its just my luck I guess.
