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Window Tinting question


Well-Known Member
October 15, 2000
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Sammamish, WA and Provo, UT
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94 XLT 4 door
Didn't find an answer to my question my searching Someone told me that I can not tint my rear windows because they already have the factory tint that is sort of bronze reflective and with new tint over it you wouldn't be able to see out the window. Is this true? Also, if it's possible to tint the rear windows, anyone matched the rear to the front? If so, which percentages? thanks

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I wish.. heh, I'm in the same boat as you. You can tint the rear windows, but its true, if you go too dark, you won't be able to see out. I've been told you cannot match the front and rear because the rears are privacy glass.. thats all the info I have on it.. sorry, if you find anything.. lemme know heh, I'll keep up with tihs thread.. or try to

I am also really curious to find a definite answer, we have had discussions about this before and I have heard that if you do tint them than it will be close to impossible to see in and out. I want to find a definite answer before I go out and spend like $100 to have it done. I have heard of people matching them with 35% metallic tint but I am not positive about that.

I searched for the answer to this question myself before I got my tint done. I went to a bunch of local tint shops and no one recommended tinting over the original factory tint on the rear windows. I was told that the tint would only make the windows darker, and harder to see through, nor would it change the color of the rear windows (I have the crappy amber color from Ford). I was also informed that it is not possible to match the front to the back. However, I thought that I got pretty close. The tint shop put Llumar 30% black metallic on my front windows. From an angled view, from front or rear, all the windows reflect the same and it's hard to tell that the fronts are any different. But from a broadside view, it is noticable that the fronts are a different color. You can check out my pics in my signature and see for yourself. I thought it was about the best that I could do to make them look the same and I am happy with the result. What do you think?

I have been told.. as a rather difficult solution IMO, to look for some '91 explorer windows for the rear, because they did not have facotry tinting.. and get full mirror all the way around to match, I have seen this for myself and know that it would work, but I don't awnt to spend the money/go through that trouble.. I say we storm fords corporate office and demand factory tinted front windows! :p

u can tint the back windows, mine are tinted, they look slightly less bronze-ish but i could not find a place to match the bronze. lumar film was used, a lighter tint for the backs and the darkest they had for the side pop out windows (sport model). the difference in color is more noticable in certain light but overall i prefer the look over stock. the back windows are harder to see thru at night but not too bad. hope that helps.
Rick H.

I just had my 2001 XLT Sport front windows tinted. While it isnt a PERFECT match, it is pretty close. From the outside you can't tell the difference unless you were looking for it. From the inside I can see the difference. The factory tint on the windows is kind of a brownish/black tint, while the tint I had put on the fronts has a slight greenish tint to it. the tint I had put on is 35% by the way. I really wanted to 20% but then I would have had to have all the back windows done to make it look even, and it just doesnt make sense to pay to have windows that are already tinted done. But if you really want it, it can be done. Only way it would effect how well you see out the back window is if you spray paint it with black paint or something.


darkfox, you mentioned that the 91's didn't have factory window tint. i was wondering what an estimated cost would be 2 pull some off a 91 out of a junk yard? does anyone have an idea @ all? because i'm goin 2 get some tint this summer and i want all the windows 2 match and not look cheesy because ford decided 2 gyp us all out of matching windows. anywho, other then that i just wanted 2 get in on this thread 2 see what everyone has 2 offer about it.

Well, I didn't completely match the tint on mine, but it is the closest I have seen on an Explorer. I used 35% Neutral Smoke tint on all the windows, including the rear ones over the Privacy Glass. Neutral Smoke film is more metallic than regular tint and is more reflective looking on the outside. The tint on the rears completely took away that nasty factory brown color, and seeing out at night is no problem at all. The front and the rears look identical like 90% of the time. It's only in certain lights and angles that you can tell a difference. I don't have any pics of it though.



I have my 2001 XLT tinted... i had them do 20% all around... even over the back factory tint... it looks good and i have no prob seeing out... just my input =)


Ya, I checked around for a long time. I ended up getting 5% over the bronze on the back 3 and between 30 and 35% slightly reflective on the half windows and front. You can't see any bronze anymore and they all match good, front is a hair lighter.

I think only the XL's didn't have the bronze glass b/c my 91 has it.

Take it to a shop who will put samples on first to see how it looks.

I'll post some better pics Wed if I get a chance.

got my 91 tinted all the way around..the factory backs are TINTED..25% on front, 5% on back, pretty close. the only time you can tell a difference is when the sun is shining directly thru the windshield..

well, I'm not sure the year, but one of the earlier explorers is tinted, one of the first models to be made.. I know it.. I've seen it on campus heh. I dunno the price, the hard parts would be finding an explorer in a yard thats that old with good glass, then replacing it with new seals and all that mess, it'd be quite the job. I'd imagine tho, if you pull it yourself, yo ucould get the glass for a couple hundred? I'm glad to see a lot of people are getting it close.. but unless its 99% its going to bother me.. I'm picky like that :p

Another thing I've thought about is trying to get some of those black tint windows that ford made.. they made them for '97 that were black like the '98s.. although on very few models from what I've seen. I like the mirror tho, there hasta be a way to do this.

Say, has anyone seen the small SUV by lexus? I'm not sure the #.. 460 maybe? it's rear window is mirrord on the outside.. so the black border like on ours reflects too.. maybe heres an answer. do it on the outside like this wiht front and rear and it won't matter that you have the bronze. . I'm not sure how this works tho.

Hehe. It's the RX300. One my friends' mom has one and it's awesome. They found a tint shop with the exact tint so they got the front door windows tinted too. Again, it looks awesome!

When I get out of school for the summer (1 week b/c I'm taking classes during summer) next week, I'll get the reflective smoke tint from Advance Autoparts and put them onto my front windows. Hope that'll work.

Update: I found this gold colored tint with a reflective coating on it. Gila, the company that made this tint, claimed that it would match the factory tinted windows. Well...I bought it and installed one. It's nothing like the factory!!!!!! This pissed me off soooooo much. I accidentally broke a small part of my vent visor, not only that, I got instead of gold, but YELLOW window, there were no reflections either. Dead Link Removed So I pulled the film off and threw it in the trash. $14 down the drain. Oh well, I'll stick with the smoked colored tints. I'll get some later this morning and install it this afternoon.

well it was worth a try.. heh, I know this may sound really stupid, but you just saved all of us $14 by spending it.. you've done your good deed for the day heh.

For real tho, I've still got this idea on hold.. I get tired of people looking at me when I'm on the road and when my cars in the parking lot, but like my friends said, if I don't want people looking, I shouldn't have done anything to my ride.

btw, yellow window tint is probably very popular among pimps heh, about a year ago I saw a cadillac with red tint. The dude inside hat a white hat with a feather in it heh

Well, yeah, I guess I've done a good deed. Hehe. Your friends are right about that. If you don't want too much attention, just don't do anything to it. I've always wanted a brush guard but my dad kept telling me that the ones today are more show off than being practical. I guess he had a point.

I got some dark smoke ones for $10 this morning after returning the remaining roll. I'll see if it'll work. I know it won't match but hey, I got the tint that doesn't make me feeling like I'm pimping my ride. I'm not a show off kind of person. I may be spoiled, but I never show my snobbiness. Hehe. Dead Link Removed

That dude is funny, I can see it in my head. LOL. A white hat with a feather... AHAHAHA Dead Link Removed

whats wrong with vanity? heh my guard could take a beating.. but for $700.. shiny is better :)

as far as being spoiled.. my motto is "spoiled and loving it" heh, I need to get a job soon tho.. time I stopped being a counter productive member of society heh

good luck with your tint.. onna these days, Ima stop talking about it, and go down to the shop and talk to them about it

how about this

hey guys, im in the same boat as most of you. i've been looking around for months now trying to find anything that will match the rears.
one thing i had thought about thou was,. what if you strip the factory tint form the rears ???
would that work ?? if i remember right someone told me that the factory tints are just like the rolls you by at the the store, but put on professionally. now im not sure but if you could strip the whole car and have it retinted ....... perfect match.
i theng this might work because on my dads old aerostar someone took a sharp knife and accidently scratched off some of the tint........ill look into this more
does anyone have any comments about those rolls you by at the store ?? good?bad? easy to put on ?? worth it ??

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I'm not sure that the bronze factory tint that Ford put on the earlier models is just a film. I thought it was in the glass and not removable. At least that's what the tint shops told me.
