Windows Refuse to Function, Running Out of Ideas | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Windows Refuse to Function, Running Out of Ideas

Colin Teague

New Member
August 3, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Lexington, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
I’ve been struggling with what might be the cause of my windows losing power, entirely and spontaneously. The switches appear to work (thanks to some thoughtful use with a fuse tester) and the fuse seems fine. I find it completely unlikely that all of the motors decided to die at once- and the wiring between the door and the body SEEMS intact, I don’t know what else could be the issue.

Any input would be fantastic, it’s hot outside and the sooner I can get my windows back, the better!

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Check the ground connections, sounds like bad ground. According to my wiring diagram, all the window motors share the same ground, where ever it is (G500).

Your master switches on the driver door could be the problem. My g/f’s mom had problem similar in her 2000 F150, and it was the driver door switches being the problem.

It could be a broken wire in the door flex. Sometimes the wire breaks but the insulation is still intact. In that case power can still jump the break. Try holding the switch down while moving the door to see if it works intermittently. If not check power at switch and if no power check before door by the kick panel or wherever is easiest.

I have heard that sometimes water will leak down onto your GEM and short out the system. If all the windows do not work at the same time then it has to be something that all window are connected to, such as the GEM. It is located behind the radio and underneath the window where water can leak down.
