wondering if this is a good thing to do | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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wondering if this is a good thing to do


New Member
August 6, 2009
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racine, wi
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 mountaineer
i have a 97 mountaineer with aftermarket exhaust, dual flowmasters, and i am wondering if i were to remove the cats, would it increase horsepower? and make the exhaust sound better or worse?

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I have been debating the same thing myself...It will free up some hp(mostly throttle response) and it will sound different...I am not sure if it will be a whole lot louder, Ive never done it...thats just my input. Id love to hear what everybody else is thinking also!

yeah I also forgot to mention that part as well.

With the tree huggers in Politics these days I would avoid doing that. It's only a matter of time before all states make you pass inspections. If your cats are bad that's one thing. If they aren't an issue I would look for other fixes. If your looking for sound, I've heard short pipes that come out right in front of your rear tires and those make a nice sound. Add some headers and a less restrictive intake and you will be in business!

lucky for me, i don't have to worry about emissions. the state and county where i am registered, i don't have to do emissions.

well it does make it louder, depending if you get a muffler or straight pipe. and depending on where you live it might be illegal. My province doesnt care about cats so mine are comin off whenever i feel like doin it.

welcome i got dual exhaust flowmasters on my 01 sport and i still got the cats on mine if i remove the cats here in cali i would get a major major fine and a ticket.

But I was thinkin like removing 2 of my cats or gutting my cats. I am not to sure yet. Is your mounty a V8 or V6

mine is a V8, i know the mountaineer has 4 cats, and removing the back 2 is pretty easy, but i would also like to remove the other two. basically, i don't want any on at all.

I just went to the muffler shop today and asked to make me two pipes one straight pipe to take the main cats place and also make it so i can unbolt the cat and bolt the straight pipe come time for smog unbolt the straight and bolt up the cat. Right now my Ex has three cats two pre cats and one main then to a flowmaster to dual outs. Im leaning more towards getting am electric cutoff valve that way I can run the two precats into a spintech muff if Its too loud and I see an officer I flip a switch and back goes stock. The only issue with that is the rear 02 sensor will not have a reading so my MIL light will be annoying me.

You'll probably gain a little HP but, you will lose low end torque. You'll notice it rev a little faster but, unless you have swapped out lower gears in the rear I don't think you gonna like it. Just get some hi flow cats and call it good.
