Won't start after running out of fuel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Won't start after running out of fuel


New Member
September 3, 2012
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Ford Explorer
I have a 2006 Explorer that ran out of fuel. After putting in fuel she won't start, just turns over. I tried disconnecting the negative battery cable and reattaching to reset the computer but that did not work. Anyone have any other ideas?


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Do you hear the fuel pump humming when you turn the key?

Keep turning it over, you gotta make that fuel travel a long distance.

Don't let it spin for to long though, just short bursts. Or you'll ruin the starter

How long? Helped some people with a 80's toyota. Had to turn it over for a good 5 minutes before it started. Had to break out the jumper box to keep it going

Since the Explorer is an electric fuel pump you don't really need to "crank" it over that long. You need to cycle the key to keep starting the fuel pump. Just turn it to the on position, wait for the fuel pump to stop running then turn the key off/on and repeat the cycle. Do it maybe 10 times.

If you have a fuel pressure tester, put it on the fuel rail. You want to read 30psi or so there.

If your not getting fuel pressure then the pump probably died. Fuel pumps use the fuel to keep them cool and running the tank consistently low and running it out of fuel is hard on them. I've seen more than a few fuel pumps die from running (or trying to run) when there is no fuel.

