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Worst stuck pic thread

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That super duty would have been first to sink down to the bottom! They weigh in at least twice the weight of any of our heaviest explorers.

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explorers are about 5000lbs for a 4 door, and my dads 08 4 door long bed 250 weighs in around 7000. not double, but definitely an extra ton of weight. If its a diesel, you can add another 500 pounds though.

Almost all mud stuck pics! Need more on the rocks.

Best I have now, blew up a u-joint that took out my ball joints and stopped me cold. (Please ignore all all the little things that aren't quite right, this was just days after my SAS and still a lot of minor stuff that I took care of later.)

Also I have this, not stuck but I couldn't get any further up.


Not me, but some wit at the lake that thought he was all that.




wow that would suck not seeing the big a$$ hole coming whats the shamy for on the back, were they trying to soak up some water,

wow that would suck not seeing the big a$$ hole coming whats the shamy for on the back, were they trying to soak up some water,

Glad the rear window on my 3 gen is prone to shatter easily if I ever came across a similar situation :p:

ramren16 said:
whats the shamy for on the back, were they trying to soak up some water,

Obscuring the licence plate for the photo maybe, or cleaning it off for the cops?

The chamois is to help get the car out. see how much just one has lowered the water level? About 4 inches I think..

Not my WORST stuck, but I couldn't drive out of it.


  • T-haven.jpg
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i'd say

^^ Nice

Here's mine. I got stuck in the muddy bottom (this was before I was locked). Eventually enough water got in the cab to short the computer (this was before I relocated it). So it was dead weight in the water for a little bit.

hey where did you relocate the computer to? ive not been in that kinda situation yet but its always good to be prepaird!

wow didnt know that jeeps floated. lmao. i wish i still had the photos i was stuck in a corn field with my stock 95. i made it 3/4 of the way cross and just sunnnk. the my friend decided he was gonna try and come save me. he has a 99 dodge with manual locking hubs and 3 inches of lift with 35s he made it half way and got really stuck i ahd to laugh. i was like dude my stock explorer made it farther than that. a chevy later pulled him out. he couldnt get to me so i had to call the tow truck. the driver looked at me and said how the F!@# did you get out there. i was proud. my truck just kept on going. he had to hook up 4 lenghts of cable to pull me out. it cost me 150 bucks and 6 hours of my life but hey i had a blast and now have a story to tell.

The chamois is to help get the car out. see how much just one has lowered the water level? About 4 inches I think..

thats what i thought

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