Worth to fix? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Worth to fix?


New Member
July 25, 2017
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City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
Ford Explorer Limited
so my 2003 Ford Explorer transmission finally gave in. I currently have 194k miles on ol Betsy , I am being quoted from $1,600 to $2,200. Is it worth to fix ? What are my other options?

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That's your call.

Can you afford another car?

Being in CA I doubt you have any rust.

Which engine?

If its one of the V-6 engines you might think about doing the timing chains while the engine is out.

When the transmission is out would the perfect time if it's the 4.0 SOHC engine.

Yes it’s the v6 (Limited) 2WD. Should I fix then sell?
Which engine?

If its one of the V-6 engines you might think about doing the timing chains while the engine is out.

When the transmission is out would the perfect time if it's the 4.0 SOHC engine.

so my 2003 Ford Explorer transmission finally gave in. I currently have 194k miles on ol Betsy , I am being quoted from $1,600 to $2,200. Is it worth to fix ? What are my other options?

I had the transmission rebuilt on my old 99 (soft rebuild) for $1,000 with a 12 month 12,000 mile warranty. My daughter has driven it for 20,000 miles without problems. If the vehicle is on otherwise good condition then it may be a good idea. If it has multiple issues, rust etc. no. Only you can make that call though.

doubt you will find a $1K Tranny rebuild in the LA area. More like $3K. Might still be worth it. Another option would be to buy a rebuilt one and have it installed, or install it yourself.

Just re reread and saw the $1600-2200 estimate. That is a very tough one; as the repair price is reasonable. However here are a couple of general car thoughts. I typically consider 200K to be the end of life for most cars. You start to have major component failure, such as transmissions. If you fix this, what will be the next thing to fail. I certainly have cars that are older than 200K but, I am constantly working on them. What is your replacement going to cost you and are you able to cough that up right now? What is the resale on ol Besty. With a cooked tranny $500(?). Running $4000?

Also the California cars being rust free is a misnomer. If the car lives near the ocean, within 1 mile or so, it will be a rust bucket. If it live in the mountains, they salt the roads, it will be a rust bucket.
