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WTB: Jeep Parts


Elite Exploder
December 27, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001, F150, XLT 4x4
I know this isn't a jeep forum... but all the people on the jeep forums are idiots, we have way greater people on here..... This is also in other makes/models, due to the fact that the classified forum says that it is for rangers, explorer, and navajo parts... not jeep....

anyway... i need this... the whole thing in the picture... anyone got one with PERFECT glass? i need it shipped to Fremont, CA 94536.... I can pay a few $ extra for insurance.. that way if UPS or whoever breaks the glass, i can go after them....


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thanks ron... actually, i already have the frame, i really just need the glass, and maybe the wipers.... but idont really know where to buy just secondhand glass.... the qoute i got awhile ago for a windshield was like $225 installed.....

Opps sorry. I think it was Safelite who did mine. If I remember right it was about $160 or so installed. Most Jeeps are rolled so it's going to be tough to find used glass.

ha... speaking of rolls... that is the only reason i need a jeep windshield.... to finish off my convertible explorer project... my truck has been roofless for a year.....

I just found this Dead Link Removed

ron, you rock! time to bust out the atm card... where is my wallet? :)

crap! i just oredered that.... and now i realize it is for a cj, not a yj...... well, hopefully they are the same size, or i will be looking for a cj frame soon......

I'd call them and cancel the order in the morning. I think a CJ is a couple of inches narrower. :( Wait, what is the dimension you need and I can measure my jeep.

i have a yj frame in the garage... let me go measure it.. it isnt exactly rectangular, but close enough

adh... he moved it to the shed in the back yard... it is cold outside... well.... the measurements are 54" x 15.5"

in my first post ishould have mentioned it was for a yj... ron, dont worry about it.. it was my mistake not to specify what model it was for.... the pieces when not mounted on a car probably look identical....

You may be real lucky here, 54" at the btm, 52" along the top, and 15.5" high in the center. Radiused corners sux! ,tough to get a good measurement.

hmmm... i measured the 54 at the very middle of the sides....

the 15.5 tall i measured in between the wiper holes

it is too cold to go back outside and measure it again tonite... i will check in the morning

Well I get 53.25" at the middle trying to measure at the center of the rubber. That frame looks almost identical to a CJ frame. Sorry

its ok ron, i was unclear.... also, i would be more proud to have a civilian jeep winshield than a yuppie jeep windshield :) hopefully, they are the same, if they arent, i just have to get a used cj frame (they arent too $)

Haha, I was going to make a snide remark about having a YJ, but I did'nt want to put salt in a fresh wound. New frames run about $130, so I would think a used one would be about half. Rust might be a problem for you though. I'll check around here and see if I can find one.

ok, well the windshield is a no go.... that company is whack.... shipping on their site said like $15, now i know it would be off becuase there was a note that said their shipping price listed on the site isnt the real price.... I got an email from them this morning:

The only way we can ship this windshield is by Truck Freight & it would cost
approx $150.00 to do this... UPS will not get it there in one piece... I
have cancelled the order until I hear from you...

Rita Henderson
Parts Manager

so i sent one back saying thanks for cancelling the order.. i would try to source a windshield locally.....

What a deal. I can't believe that, well at least your not stuck with something you can't use.

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Did you try the wanted forum at JU?
