XLS to XLT Front End Swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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XLS to XLT Front End Swap


August 12, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Moscow, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLS
Two weeks ago, I hit a deer with my '03 XLS. Since the damage was minor, I decided to do the repair work myself. At the same time I am taking the opportunity to swap out the XLS front end and replace it with the XLT front end. All of my parts arrived Friday, and I have spent the weekend painting the parts. I have also taken this opportunity to weld some new light tabs to my Bullbar. I will get pics up as soon as I am finished.:usa:

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how easy was the swap ??? i wanna do this to my X

i think member on here named greenapple had an xls and he put an xlt bumper on his explorer and it looked nice and i think his explorer was an 03 as well.

Sam is on a diet, he has to think healthy LOL
I wanted to do this to my GF's, but we're broke right now, so unless I see a great opportunity it'll have to wait

It looks like I have all of my parts ready to go. I hope to begin assemly tomorrow.

It looks like I have all of my parts ready to go. I hope to begin assemly tomorrow.

nice please post up pics when you can (before/after) :thumbsup:

I did it on mine, it was very easy. Just know that the lower grille piece in your XLS will not fit the lower grille in the XLT front bumper. If you want pictures of before and after, let me know. I also painted the bumper (and XLS trim) with Krylon Fusion. Came out very well IMO

show me the part your talking about that doesnt swap between XLS n XLT... i have your trim painting thread saved to the computer lol !!!


The part that actually fits inside the bumper.

Yea...I found out the hard way that it doesn't swap. So, I'm done with my swap except for waiting on that part to arrive. :usa:
