XLT Check-up Results | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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XLT Check-up Results


May 7, 2016
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2002 Explorer XLT
Phil Here. Well I got my [new to me] 2002 XLT back from Indy and I am only 356.00 lighter.
For my "Check engine" light being on the culprit was a bad DPFE. sensor.

A new L/F "Door ajar" switch fixed most of my electrical problems, I still like to get my hands dirty so i will be Installing my own passenger door actuator with the help of you guy's. I just have to find out how to remove the door panel?

My Indy also replaced Front end "Links"[Who knows what the hell those are?]

The bad news is that the seal that sits between the oil filter adapter and the engine is shot causing a slight oil leak on the Explorer, The bill to fix that will be 400.00 and is at most a labor cost.....Oh, well I still think I got the XLT for a good price, The interior is perfect, the exterior only needs some spray touch up to some lower plastic fender panels.My XLT has only 103k on the odometer.

Thanks for the welcome again

2002 Ford Explorer XLT Phil Justice

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As for removing the panel, look a few threads down the main menu and see one titled "door ajar switch fix". That has a video that helps. Also, if you like getting your hands dirty, do the oil filter adapter gasket yourself, it's not too bad. Do an oil and filter change while you're at it -- drain out the coolant also (save it if it's good).

^^^ what he said. I posed a door ajar switch fix video that is about 30 minutes. The first little bit explains how to take the door apart.

Door Actuator

Phil Here. Just ordered a new Actuator off eBay, I will be viewing the post and how too articles that you sent to me. Thanks again..

2002 Ford Explorer XLT Phil Justice
