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XLT questions-New Here


New Member
November 17, 2010
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City, State
York, Pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
I'm new on here been browsing the site since I bought my 02 XLT V8 about 4 months ago. First time owning a suv and I love it! I always liked to modify my vehicles but with a kid on the way I want to try to keep the mods small and just to little stuff. I'm looking at putting new tires on before winter, if I'm reading correctly 265/75/16 is the biggest we can go with no rubbing? Also I was wondering if it was possible to swap out the hvac, for the dual climate control found in the eddie bauer's. Any other small easy upgrades I could do?

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im 100 certain the 2nd cant be done, also when you get tires make sure you have a matching spare.

I'm new on here been browsing the site since I bought my 02 XLT V8 about 4 months ago. First time owning a suv and I love it! I always liked to modify my vehicles but with a kid on the way I want to try to keep the mods small and just to little stuff. I'm looking at putting new tires on before winter, if I'm reading correctly 265/75/16 is the biggest we can go with no rubbing? Also I was wondering if it was possible to swap out the hvac, for the dual climate control found in the eddie bauer's. Any other small easy upgrades I could do?

Welcome aboard! :salute:

You could add signal mirrors. Click here for the how to.

Congrats on the new Ex and good luck with the mods!!!

airbox mod cost nothing or stage 2 intake is pretty cheap, not bad for a start and welcome to the forum.

It's showing there's people replying to my thread but it doesn't show what they are posting! Please PM if there's a way to fix this!

Well now it's showing up must just been my internet lol.

im 100 certain the 2nd cant be done, also when you get tires make sure you have a matching spare.

I wasn't sure because I know some manfactures provide all the wiring through the vehicle, they just make you pay more for upgrades. For example power, and heated seats. I know I had a car that didn't have power seats but the harness was there if I wanted to add them.

It's showing there's people replying to my thread but it doesn't show what they are posting! Please PM if there's a way to fix this!

Well now it's showing up must just been my internet lol.

At the signpost up ahead..................the Twilight Zone! :wtf:

classic big rondo do do do do do do do do...

I wasn't sure because I know some manfactures provide all the wiring through the vehicle, they just make you pay more for upgrades. For example power, and heated seats. I know I had a car that didn't have power seats but the harness was there if I wanted to add them.

certain things yes, dual ac, is actually a different heater box, dash harness etc. its not something that can be done.

what kind of mods do you want ?

Airbox Mod is free + K&N panel filter = 50ish $

TB Spacer Mod = free

GOOD PM = priceless

if you want a slightly larger tire to fill the fender a little better, might i suggest ( 255/70/16's ) or ( 255/65/17's )...

I wasn't sure because I know some manfactures provide all the wiring through the vehicle, they just make you pay more for upgrades. For example power, and heated seats. I know I had a car that didn't have power seats but the harness was there if I wanted to add them.

Yeah, the HVAC system is a little different, the entire control system changes, and Ford unfortunately (depends on how you look at it) doesn't include everything to swap over. It's (for all intents and purposes) not cost effective to do the swap on the Gen III/IV

since his is an 02 he can get a full intake

Well I'm getting 265/75/16 tires, along with a full size spare I've read that size fits fine with no issues at stock height and the 265 fits up where the spare tire is also. I also plan on getting the BTF lift some time in the future as well.
