Yes, yes another TT question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Yes, yes another TT question


Well-Known Member
April 28, 2002
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'02 Sport
So just how bad would your ride be if you put a TT drop 3in and 3in blocks...? just out of curiosity because a friend of mine says he has some old blocks and could give them to me and i was just curious as to how it would ride, would it ride like i was on a wooden roller coaster or something... someone just give me an idea of what kind of ride i would get out of it

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Just lowered mine...

Dropped 2 1/2" front and 2" rear. First make sure you could get a 3" drop in the front before you put the 3" block in the rear - otherwise your truck would be tilt up.

Lowering your truck is only half the project- you will need stiffer/firmer shocks because the ride will be bouncy. Also, you might need to shorten the bump stop because you will bottom out for sure.

Good luck!

Ooops. Sorry for the double post.


really? i did not know id have to buy new shocks... and also had no clue about the bump stop. hmm

hmm, i only have to shorten the bumb stop if i lower it pretty damn low right? if i go about 3 inches i shouldnt have to take it out... or shorten it correct?

Here is a cool B&A pic of mine:

Yea, the bumpstops will be very close, as seen here:


& Here:


I have not cut mine down. As you can see I bottom out. But I think the extra cushion on the bump stop is what they are there for so I an leaving them. They don't affect Ride at all just when you enter or leave a big bump like a parking lot.

Check out my home page to see all the pics and information on how to.

Great shot, Matt. But from the looks of it you got about an inch of travel... that can't be right... have you measured them with the wheels on the ground?

That's about an inch of travel... you must bottom out all the time. Have you ever thought of drilling a hole in the middle to soften the hit? I say about half an inch...

The bump stop is close to the A-arm bushing (pivot) and not the ball joint. The ball joint will move up and down about 3-times more than the area under the bump stop as the arm pivots so the 1-inch bump stop clearance will yield about 3-inches of ball joint/tire movement before contacting the bump stop.

thanks im almost positive everything on my explorer will start to come together in the comming months... i just bought a new amp so i kind of depleted a bit of my money and in the process of lookin for a job so, who knows what will happen in the comming months

Originally posted by Kamaaina
1-inch bump stop clearance will yield about 3-inches of ball joint/tire movement before contacting the bump stop.

Thanks, man, I learn something new everyday on this site!
