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You know it's a different world when...

Just bought my replacement Serpentine Belt. (Ford Dealer - Motorcraft) While waiting to pay, I noticed that the box had instructions. The instructions said, "Do not install belt while engine is running". Also, it later states, "Disconnect the negative battery cable so that someone ELSE doesn't start the engine while you're replacing the belt".

I guess everyone has to cover their azzzzzzz these days.
Sorry...just had to share it with you guys.

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You know the funniest thing about safety warnings these days is that SOMEONE had to have tried it at some point in time for manufactures to put that safety warning on their products.

Originally posted by NOTAJP
You know the funniest thing about safety warnings these days is that SOMEONE had to have tried it at some point in time for manufactures to put that safety warning on their products.

Like the dude in the Winnebago that went to go take a leak and just set the cruise control.

Originally posted by Mike_H
Like the dude in the Winnebago that went to go take a leak and just set the cruise control.


ha ha ha, i can't believe the guy actually thought he did nothing wrong...i'd say somebody was a little greedy!!!

Yeah, and all those idiots driving those death trap Ford Explorers with under-inflated Firestones... oh... wait... Forget I said that. It wasn't me. It was my evil twin. You can't prove anything!!


Seriously though, my mom was a court reporter in federal court for a while. She did a trial where a guy sued Sears because he "enganged the tip" of his chainsaw and nearly cut his face off DISPITE the fact that the saw, the owner's manual, the box, etc. ALL had warnings about not engaging the tip. I think he won, but didn't get the gazillion dollars he was asking for. Just med. expenses. Seems the warnings (all 20 or so) where not displayed prominantly enought. Puhleazze.

How dumb can people really be (or pretend to be for a couple $mil.)

Haha...reading this thread reminded me of one of the weirdest (and least thought out) warning labels I've ever seen. I saw it some years ago on an aerosol can of some type of windshield de-icer. At the bottom of the instructions on says in bold type DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT IF YOU CANNOT READ ENGLISH.

Things that make you go hmmmm...

I wish I had kept that thing or had a picture of it to show you guys....I'm sure it sounds almost unbelievable but it actually said that.

On the back of a can of fix-a-flat, the instructions say that if the can is cold (like if it's winter out), to place it under the heater in the car for a few minutes until it is warm. Then on the warning label, it says to keep away from any heat source because it could explode. :rolleyes:

My friend just bought a 04 Jeep Grand Cherokee. We took in on a road trip, and he had me glancing thru the owners manual about everything from the transfer case to figuring out what the a/v 2 3 4 under the odometer was. Well anyhow I decided to see what they said about the ABS. The way they worded the statement about the ABS idiot light was horrible! Anyone without any lick of common sense is going to try it I know it!

"The ABS light will come on immediately after starting the vehicle. This a a notice that a self test is being performed. The light should go off after 3-5 seconds. If the light stays on or comes on while driving, turn the ignition off and then back on. If the light stays on, take the vehicle to an Authorized Service Dealer immediatley.


What Good Is It????

Several years ago, I bought a derringer. The warnings included "Do Not Carry This Firearm Loaded"!:rolleyes:

Re: What Good Is It????

Originally posted by PghBill
Several years ago, I bought a derringer. The warnings included "Do Not Carry This Firearm Loaded"!:rolleyes:
thats why i carry a 1911 as my CCL gun. you can tote it ****ed locked and ready to rock. ;) seriously, its just a disclaimer. they put that in there to cover their @ss.

This one was on the cloth hand dryer in my mechanics bathroom. HMMMM:D


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LOL that same towel roll warning is on our towel roll at my dads shop. Man that would be funny to see !

those are some very funny disclaimers, and i'm sure there are more out there..

but it just goes to show you how far companies have to go nowadays to make sure cash-happy idiots don't sue them for millions for their own mistakes!

I just got done with Business Law class...there were so many Frivalrous law suits that is was just retarted, i wonder where these people get off sewing for what they stupidly do. The world is too full of morons plain and simple.

Originally posted by GaSouthern1
I just got done with Business Law class...there were so many Frivalrous law suits that is was just retarted, i wonder where these people get off sewing for what they stupidly do. The world is too full of morons plain and simple.

God forbid anyone be responsible for their own actions. "Oops, I f$%*ed up!"

God forbid anyone be responsible for their own actions. "Oops, I f$%*ed up!"
Like the lady from Chicago (I think) who put her cat in the microwave to dry it off because it had been out in the rain. You can guess what happened. She sued the microwave company because in the directions it never said not to put a cat in there. I believe she won.
Then there is this girl who claims she was raped (even though she consented) because she changed her mind in the middle of things. Rape, California-style & Not as she does.
One more, on my bicycle helmet, it says it should not be used for anything but a bicycle. Otherwise it "could result in serious injury, death, or death by strangulation." Hmmm, I don't know what would be worse, death or death by strangulation.

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Originally posted by Gonzo
Hmmm, I don't know what would be worse, death or death by strangulation.

