You never hear about good things on a forum | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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You never hear about good things on a forum


February 20, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
North Beach, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer Sport
A lot of times the problem with forums is you only get the people that post about bad experiences.

So I am going to post a good experience for a change. I bought my 2013 EX Sport in February and have 18,000 miles on it. I have not had a single problem with it. Everything is working perfectly. Plus I drive it like I stole it and its good to go every time I put the pedal down.

My dealer at Koons Ford Baltimore on Security Blvd has also been top notch whenever I take it in for service.

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Whats wrong with this site is that it makes people think that these are are all the explorer owners on this site and when you get the number of explorer sales to the ones on this site its maybe not even 1% having issues, and yes not all owners, lessors are on or aware of this site but this site make it look like its a bad vehicle, and yes there is good advise on this site good reporter's like peterk9 and others but it nice to hear the good also..i love my explorer and soon will have the 2014 ltd not the sport because i really dont need the power ( my mother in law lost 100lbs) lol. But i like the gadgets..! Any ways good exploring to all.......!

...My dealer at Koons Ford Baltimore on Security Blvd has also been top notch whenever I take it in for service.

...i love my explorer and soon will have the 2014 ltd...

Hi Bwells430 and NEWPORTNJ,

One of my favorite things is seeing how much customers love their Explorers! If you would like me to document your feedback about your sales or service experience at your dealership, PM your info my way and I'll get it entered into our system for internal review. In your message, please include your name, phone number, VIN, dealership name/location, and any details you'd like me to include. :thumbsup:


A lot of times the problem with forums is you only get the people that post about bad experiences.

So I am going to post a good experience for a change. I bought my 2013 EX Sport in February and have 18,000 miles on it. I have not had a single problem with it. Everything is working perfectly. Plus I drive it like I stole it and its good to go every time I put the pedal down.

My dealer at Koons Ford Baltimore on Security Blvd has also been top notch whenever I take it in for service.
There is a thread on positive experiences somewhere but I haven't tried looking for it yet.
Another member 1995E has mentioned Koons Ford as a great dealership as well in the 'Great Dealerships' sticky in this forum. Why not add your post to that as well?


I'll add onto NEWPORTNJ's post... Also unless you are an enthusiast who actually enjoys being proactive and joining forums like this (I've done it since 2002 with every vehicle I've owned), most of the complaints are people having an issue, THEN searching the internet and finding this site only to join and publicize their issue. So you will get a lot more complaints then satisfied customers on forums. I'm sure it is well below 1% having issues.

Not only that, with 2011 being a completely new redesign from the ground up, you expect (if you don't, reality check is needed) to have more issues. Many of the TSBs were for the 2011-2012 model years as it was growing pains. Less and less issues are showing up 3 years later (mainly the seam/water leak and the exhaust smell are the 2 heavily talked about issues on here).

It makes it sound like the Ex is a POS but it really isn't. It's a great vehicle to most.

People that post their problems are looking for feedback from other owners. Many times it is hard to find a solution to what is wrong with the veh and this forum has helped more times then asking the service dept similar concerns. What good is it if everyone says they love the veh they own and experience no problems at all. That would become a boring read. Where best to write a concern and see if others have experienced the same then right here!

People that post their problems are looking for feedback from other owners. Many times it is hard to find a solution to what is wrong with the veh and this forum has helped more times then asking the service dept similar concerns. What good is it if everyone says they love the veh they own and experience no problems at all. That would become a boring read. Where best to write a concern and see if others have experienced the same then right here!

I agree completely. If my explorer was perfect then I wouldn't have had much reason to visit social media because I would be too busy enjoying it! Personally I found solutions to problems posted on these forums which I have shared with my dealer service shop which has enabled them, directly or indirectly, to fix some of my Explorers problems. Also, I credit Ford for having good people like Cory and Crystal monitoring social media to help their customers. That demonstrates to me to the value of posting feedback (bad or good).

I wasn't knocking anyone that post's a problem. You seem to get my intention wrong. I was making my post to throw some extra in the threads that isn't only a problem post.

I wasn't knocking anyone that post's a problem. You seem to get my intention wrong. I was making my post to throw some extra in the threads that isn't only a problem post.
Perhaps members aren't used to seeing positive posts about the Explorer. ;)
I fully understand what you are trying to accomplish here and I am one of the many that really enjoy the Explorer and have had only a couple of very minor issues with it. :thumbsup:


For another favorable forum posting check out my feedback dated 9-19-2013 under the “fuel delivery module sticky” above.
Yup, there are good dealers out there.
... and I love my new Ex.
