Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV



I had just bought the truck for 4k with just over 100k miles on it, was just going to be a daily driver but decided to make it a capable off road vehicle. Soon you will see the transformation of this truck into the ZAPV or Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle.

This is how I got the truck.


I decided to put bed liner on all of the plastic parts, and it looked good. At this point I thought I was done with the body (foolish me) I was going to settle for a good looking with minor capabilities truck.






I soon grew tiered of all the plastic wrapped around the truck, and the fact that the bed liner wasn’t sticking to it, so I pulled all of the plastic off and started over. I filled all of the holes left by the plastic with bondo or expanding insulation foam.




Bed lining was applied next. The whole truck was covered (including the rear wheel well). This didn't take as long as I thought it would.






(this is where I put bondo to fill in the divit.


And at last the Zombie Assault Preparedness Vehicle or ZAPV. It is the essential vehicle to use in case of a zombie outbreak, it can drive long distances, prevent rust, clime mountains, find high ground, and cover your sent from the brain eating *******s. This should not be your only plan in an zombie infestation, but you should always keep several options on the table. A vehicle would be the first step of a evacuation from an infected area. You would only want to use it to get out of a major city and make it to a relatively rural zone where you can take a high vantage point. Remember always be prepared.






EDIT: I don't have time to make rules and such for membership so if any one want to be in Team ZAPV just pick a number (except 1-3)

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Lmao.. watch .. an actual Zombie attack is going to happen... and the ZAP team won't be nearly prepared for it as they're truck's are. =P

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I know every one loves guns but I still hold to my knives :D

oh and yes guns too ;)

and maybe some land mines.

Lmao.. watch .. an actual Zombie attack is going to happen... and the ZAP team won't be nearly prepared for it as they're truck's are. =P

lmao I hope to never find out :D

Lmao.. watch .. an actual Zombie attack is going to happen... and the ZAP team won't be nearly prepared for it as they're truck's are. =P

there is not an emoticon to show you what I'm doing. hahahahaha

The ZAPV X is going on a rescue mission tomorrow. the crazy guy with the dual weilding glocks got a flat tire and he never checked to see if he had a jack when he bought it. so here I come to save the day. tomorrow, after the beer wears off. I was with when this happened.

Official Zombie Attack Training:
Left 4 Dead on Insane Difficulty.

guns knives gonna need a flame thrower. gotta burn them after you kill'em(stops infection from spreading)

Lmao....... I just thought it was funny....


If you can't read it... one of the common searches.. is zombie... haha..

nice, I'm working on a web page right now. I just got Adobe Dream weaver so I will be playing around with that for the official ZAPV page

our own site? sweet. I got my soft 8's delivered 12/24 and the tires are at my sisters waiting for me to pick them up when I'm done with this well in 2 weeks.

Okay, this thread is full of win. Love the bedliner idea. I think I might have to get my sploder set up to join this group!

If I had an older explorer in not to well cosmetic condition I would love to paint truck bed liner all over it. I would have fun doing that. haha that would be so cool to drive around in!

any one can be in the zapv its not about your truck buy your willingness to prepare for the oncoming invasion. The truck is merely a way to remove yourself from the danger area.

Every one is welcome.

zombie special on history right now, true stories apparently, must watch.

I want to convert my 94 Limited to a Zapv!
It will be Zapv V

ok here is the numbers that are taken now, 1-3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 19, 66, 88, and 174. that's only 9 members with claimed #'s. come on guys, gotta be organized to be prepared......

oh yes my brother will be joining too.

I'm converting his Subaru Brat into a zapv

He is building it to be in the tough truck challenge.

A subie? sweet!!! and I have the cragars and swampers on, looks sexy as hell!!! much better in person than pictures.

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i call 11 .my wife calls number 311 for her 2001 tacoma prerunner.my ex sport is a work in progress
