TURN THAT S*%T UP!!!, What are you Listening To, Driving or Otherwise?? | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TURN THAT S*%T UP!!!, What are you Listening To, Driving or Otherwise??


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I feel the need, the need for SPEED!:burnout:

Then when it's time to slow down...



"And if you feel that you can't go on
And your will's sinkin' low
Just believe, and you can't go wrong
In the light you will find the road
You will find the road"


Apparently new music isn't bad enough, so old rockers with apparent dementia, decided to change old tunes to appease the young ones.

"Alice Cooper has been tinkering with the lyrics to a number of his most iconic singles for an album he’s been tracking at his Solid Rock Teen Centers in Phoenix and Mesa — a various-artists compilation of songs he feels are better suited for impressionable young minds than most of what he hears these days.

“It’s a takeoff on our own stuff,” Cooper says. “Instead of ‘I'm Eighteen,’ it's ‘I'm Thirteen.’ 'School's In.' And ‘No More Mr. Nice Guy' is 'Now, I'm Mr. Nice Guy.' It’s kind of a positive take on the stuff we used to do.”

Rob Halford, the voice of Judas Priest, is featured on a song called “Pleasant Dreams” about overcoming your fear of the dark, while Darryl “DMC” McDaniels of Run-DMC has reimagined Wilson Pickett’s “In the Midnight Hour” as a hip-hop children’s song called “Midday Hour.”"

This isn't an April Fools joke either. The article was published today.

When I was 13 I was listening to "I'm Eighteen" and every other rock song that was being played on WLS.


This would be better for kids than what Alice is coming up with. Only trouble is the kids today wouldn't know who Hank Hill is. LOL

This would be better for kids than what Alice is coming up with. Only trouble is the kids today wouldn't know who Hank Hill is. LOL
Yeah that seems like a cop out to me. Want a new message write a new song. Otherwise turn it over to someone like Weird Al who would make something transformative, and not just rehash what you’ve already done.

Listen loud with bass ^^^^^^^





RIP Dickey Betts

such a good classic love hank & hank jr

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