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Help - Clunk / pop drivetrain sound on 97 AWD


August 8, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Huntsville, AL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Mountaineer
I have a 97 Mountaineer with 5.0 and AWD. With the front driveshaft in, it makes a clunking or popping noise on accelereation. It's not exactly periodic, but somewhat random. With very light acceleration, it's very light or non-existant. It's worse with more gas pedal pressure. On coasting it's fine. It's not related to the wheels being turned or not. With the frt driveshaft out, it is quiet. I've replaced the front u-joint and frt constant-velocity joint. Those changes didn't solve it. Help. TIA.

BTW I experienced the slow "creep" in park that everyone else did with the DS out. LOL. I woke up one morning and it was out in the street crossways !!

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It is the CV joint that is bad on your drive shaft. I know from experience. You can not replace the CV you have to get a new drive shaft. It will run $220 for a new one but 410Fortune (Jaime) has two used ones for $80 plus shipping.

Just shoot him a PM & he will hook you up.:thumbsup:

In my original post I stated that I have replaced the frt u-joint as well as the frt CV joint with new ones and that hasn't helped.

I'm talking about the CV joint on the drive shaft not the axle shaft. It is the end that bolts to the transfer case.

There is a rubber boot that will tear over time alowing the grease to spin out.

Yes, the CV joint (next to the T case) on the front DS has been replaced.

It might be the kevlar pad is non existant on your torsion keys.

Here is the new and old comparison


  • torsion bar key.jpg
    torsion bar key.jpg
    37.3 KB · Views: 507

Where are those located?
