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Exhaust writeup?


Explorer Addict
August 23, 2007
City, State
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT 4X4
I was thinking about doing my own dual rear exit exhaust.
I can aford to have a shop bend it fore but I was thinking it would be nice to have a stickie about it for the people who can't aford it, don't trust shops with there precious, or just folks who are doityourselfers.

All i think I'll need are 2 90's maybe 4 45's to get both pipes up over the axle and some clamps and tips. And pipe of course.

I think I'll put it together using the clamps for the writeup and then weld it when I'm done.

I'll be using a flomaster super44.(hey if I'm gonna do it I might as well do it 'piss off your neighbors' style!!)

What do you guys think?

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ok ive just been looking under my truck and the only way i can see to get the pipe to the driver side easily is to yank the rear shocks.

now, the rearend has the sway bar to control body lean and the leafs are so stiff i dont see the back end really rolling up and down very much at all. and removing them might even soften up the highway ride anyway

if nothing else i can weld in some new shock mounts somewhere out of the way later

have any of you guys removed the rear shocks? what kind of results?

ok I pulled the shocks earlier and the back end is a little too rolypoly so that's not gonna work. But when I was under the truck I noticed that there is room above the spare to fit a pipe so I think that's how I'll do it.

Plus all the shops I've called say "can't be done" and I say I've got some lift but they still say no except one by my dads says to bring it in and well take a look at it on the lift so maybe I'll be able to convince him its possible.

I've started steering away from doing it myself cause after adding up the parts I'll need and looking at Internet prices im still gonna be in over a hundred so it might not be worth it. I don't know well see tomorrow of I can make it to the shop.

the reason they say it can't be done is for a couple of reasons... 1. space issues, you can run dual exhaust with no spare tire, but what do you do if you need it. 2. placement of the gas tank, the gas tank is on the left side which is why most shops won't do it, tank could heat and boom (least that's what i was told).

this is what i've thought about... our bumpers have a little bit of space, how they're caved in, i've thought if you run 2" piping next to each other to a point, then bend it off right behind the bumper and then out, like a real sharp 90...

i myself have a 40 series flowmaster, only thing i wish is that i had 2.5" pipe instead. you have options, just make sure they're the safe ones.

yeah I'm not talking about full dualufflers and all just dual pipes so the gas tank shuldnt be anywhere near in trouble and like I say theres room above the spare as long as I use some heat shield to be sure.

I like the behind the bumper idea but it might show a little.

yeah I'm not talking about full dualufflers and all just dual pipes so the gas tank shuldnt be anywhere near in trouble and like I say theres room above the spare as long as I use some heat shield to be sure.

I like the behind the bumper idea but it might show a little.

i saw an episode of american chopper where they coated the inside of the exhaust pipe with a ceramic material, so when the engine was on, you coudl grab the pipe, and it'd be warm, not blazing hot.

i had another idea as well, instead of using a heat shield, i wonder if those wraps they sell for headers would work as a 'containment' for the heat.

anyways... any progress on it?

after adding up all the stuff I'd need to get it there without a bender it was to expensive and a shop here in sand springs says he'll do it for 70$

nice, get that thing up on a lift and take a picture!! i'm interested to see how they do it

sure and I'll try to get audio

Ok its up and running and I can only describe it a few ways and they are thus:

Frigging sweet!


Holy crap was that an explorer or did we just get buzzed by low flying jet fighters!?!?

Ok the second one is a slight exageration.

But it really is great I tasted the flowmaster hook with my 50 series SUV but know its set DEEP.

I made some video both sitting still and flooring it up a hill and I'll have to uploadem later. I have to go in early tommorrow so I don't knownif a can get pics yet but soon!

time to initiate project flamethrower!!
