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Heated windshield on Adrenalin?


May 18, 2008
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer Sport 2WD
I'm thinking about buying an Adrenalin, but I want to know if it comes with the heated windshield option like is availabe on the Limited.

I know the center button at the bottom of the console is for the on/off of the windshield on Limited models. When I see this same button on the Adrenalin it looks the same, but there is no option listing for heated windshield on the Adrenalin. Does this button only turn on the side mirror defrost on the Adrenalins?

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I have an 08 and it has a heated windshield but no heated seats.

I wouldn't want a heated windshield because then my radar detector won't work. Just sayin'....

An Adrenalin is a Limited. The Adrenalin package is added to the Limited model. Non-Adrenalin-related options should be the same between the two.

I hate to point out the obvious look under my screen name. :)

I wouldn't want a heated windshield because then my radar detector won't work. Just sayin'....

I don't need a radar detector I'm a cop. Just sayin... :)

An Adrenalin is a Limited. The Adrenalin package is added to the Limited model. Non-Adrenalin-related options should be the same between the two.

That's what I had been thinking, but everytime I look up a window sticker where the photos show the windshield heater button, the option isn't listed. I've had some replies that say it only defrosts the outside mirrors. Since I'll probably be buying this vehicle from a distance I wanted to make sure. I guess I'll have to ask for sure and not just assume the button is for the windshield.

One change...you can't get the reverse sensor with the Adrenalin.

My radar detector works fine with the heated windshield.

2009 and Up models don't have the Heated Windshield option. They do have heated seats and heated side mirrors.

2009 and Up models don't have the Heated Windshield option. They do have heated seats and heated side mirrors.

ahhh...that must be why I'm getting such conflicting info in my searches. I guess I'll be buying an '08. Thanks for the help :thumbsup:

2008 and below don't have heated seats though.

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