Just bought a 98, now fixing it up | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just bought a 98, now fixing it up

Running an Explorer

Well-Known Member
February 8, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Laurel Bloomery, Tennessee
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Ford Explorer Eddie
Well folks I now can say I'm officially a 2nd gen owner. I own 2 94's and just bought a 1998. After owning these 2 first gens and reading and frequently visiting this site, I decided if a certain 2nd came available in my area for a good price I might have to buy it, well it finally happened.
This is a 1998 5.0 awd with 169,000 miles. I thought it was pretty clean compared to most explorers that come up on Facebook. I bought from the 2nd owner for $1400.
When I bought it, the only obvious thing it needed was an alignment and the rest was just cosmetics.
The first owner was meticulous in keeping the paperwork for any maintenance items or repairs done to the explorer. I have a copy of the original window sticker. I also have the Sales brochure. I have the receipt from the first oil change at 3287 miles all the way up to 2017 (when 2nd owner bought it from them with around 80,000 miles on it.) I also have all the firestone recall notices.
The 2nd owners son is the one who drove it mostly and kind of just let it go. The dad said that he did get the oil changed though. The kid fell asleep driving on interstate and drifted off and skint the guardrail down the passenger side.
So far I've...
-had the alignment done which needed both lower ball joints and one upper control arm.
-put on some nice evenly worn used tires I already had
-Passenger tail light from junkyard.
-Climate control knob
-cut the opening to the blend door (which worked, the ac blows ice cold, was blowing heat)
-non of the windows would roll up or down, thanks to this forum I found out most people had a broke wire in the door jam. Mine was broke in the exact spot everybody else's was
-drivers interior door handle (junkyard)

The other things I plan to pick up are a new radio bezel this ones cracked and all the push pins are broke (of course).
The valence under the front bumper that goes around the fog lights. (Broke of assuming during the accident)
Junkyard center cap
Cruise control buttons
And of course vacuum and clean the inside.

I'm just starting this thread to share and keep up with all I do to it.


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Well this evening I ran into my first bigger obstacle. I've noticed there have been a good amount of ants crawling around inside and thought that it had a nest in the engine bay somewhere. While vacuuming it today I started in the cargo area and when I got to the right side I notice there were a few ants crawl out from between the carpet and side plastic piece. They just kept on coming out at I'd would suck them up, so I decided to pull up the carpet on that side and when I did it was a big black mound of ants. Thankfully I he'd the vacuum running so I sucked them up as fast as I uncovered them.
Here's a pic of SOME of the dead ants in the vaccum. I sprayed some raid and have a fogger going in it all night to hopefully kill off the rest.



And here's a pic of the broke wire in the door jam that controls the windows


Love it!

You can also let the truck sit a few days in an area with no ants, and throw some liquid baits in. Those kick ass

Great score. You’re gonna love the 5.0

Love it!

You can also let the truck sit a few days in an area with no ants, and throw some liquid baits in. Those kick ass

Great score. You’re gonna love the 5.0
Thanks, I am going to do that. This is what I bought. I mean business!


Well done! Good score!

The gold paint holds up better then any other color (except silver but I don’t ever see silver gen iis)

Consider a awd delete if it suits you and how/ where you drive (I say this to every 5.0 awd owner, it’s my favorite mod)

Rotate front tires often!
Check exhaust manifolds the 98-01 models love to ditch the front two bolts… seriously they will loosen and just fall out

Does it have air ride?

Well done! Good score!

The gold paint holds up better then any other color (except silver but I don’t ever see silver gen iis)

Consider a awd delete if it suits you and how/ where you drive (I say this to every 5.0 awd owner, it’s my favorite mod)

Rotate front tires often!
Check exhaust manifolds the 98-01 models love to ditch the front two bolts… seriously they will loosen and just fall out

Does it have air ride?
Thank you! Yes the paint is in good shape other than some hail damage on the hood, it has no clear coat peeling off.
Ha yes, I've read many threads where you suggest that. Where I live we may get 1 good snow a year (by good I mean 3"+). Right now the transfer case and all seems to be all working properly. But I guess we will see what the long term holds.
No, it does not have air ride. Just regular shocks and leaf springs. If I may, why do you ask?

Just curious
People often surprised by the air ride shocks some trucks had rear some had all 4’s
Many of the gold trucks seem to have had the air ride

Deleting the awd saves you gas money and front tires gives you passing power

Good score! 5.0 w/169K for $1,400 and clean body/ paint.
Question on this > "cut the opening to the blend door" ....So you fixed a blend door issue without removing dash ?

Just curious
People often surprised by the air ride shocks some trucks had rear some had all 4’s
Many of the gold trucks seem to have had the air ride

Deleting the awd saves you gas money and front tires gives you passing power
Ok, cool that's interesting.
Yes, thank you!

Good score! 5.0 w/169K for $1,400 and clean body/ paint.
Question on this > "cut the opening to the blend door" ....So you fixed a blend door issue without removing dash ?
Well all I did was cut an opening in the box so I can manually push the blend door with my hand (like YouTube videos)


Well today I spent almost the whole day cleaning the interior. The fogger I put in last night for the ants definitely helped. I only seen about 20 ants the whole day and they were all at the bottom of the driver's door jam. I've but in 4 bait stations and I'm going to let it sit for a couple days.
After I got the back cargo area carpet back down, I started vacuuming again. Once I got the vacuuming done I started using my little extractor, It's a Bissell. It removed and cleaned up the carpet stains pretty good.
(Kool aid or whatever it is, didn't want to come up)
Here are some before and after pics of the mats and driver and passenger floor boards.






And here's a pic of the broke wire in the door jam that controls the windows

View attachment 445701
If that plastic piece on the driver's door (goes on top of the window switches) is actually missing, I have a tan one you can have for the price of shipping only! (NOS I got, just to get the switches out) Otherwise going to throw it out. PM me if interested!

If that plastic piece on the driver's door (goes on top of the window switches) is actually missing, I have a tan one you can have for the price of shipping only! (NOS I got, just to get the switches out) Otherwise going to throw it out. PM me if interested!
Thank you, but I got one after the pic of the door was taken. I am still needing the arm rest on the panel (the part that your arm rests on behind that piece you're talking about, the foam piece)
Thank you anyway!

Looking nice. Congrats!

Well today I got the armrest part of the driver's door put on. The colors don't quite match but it's good enough for me. I also got a new radio bezel which is a little scratched and dusty but better than the old one which was cracked and all the pins were broke and barely together. I had to replace the one on my old ranger too.
They must get brittle.
I found my other little nest of ants. It was under the scuff plate in the driver's door. Hopefully that will be the last of them.
The next things on the list to do is the cruise control buttons and the plastic valence under the front bumper. (Which is proving to be sort of tough to find at the junkyards around here).





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This is one of the most fun explorer re-do I’ve seen. Was your truck buried in a sugar factory? What’s with all the damn ants?
