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New Explorer "Crucial" to Ford

Scott B.

Explorer Addict
February 15, 1999
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'93 Ranger XLT
Here is an article from Ward's Auto (an industry newsletter) regarding some of the design decisions for the new Ex.

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Well, at least the 'Stang and F-150 have bright futures.

A 4 cylinder "Explorer" (and I use the term loosely with the '11 which simply isn't an Explorer except in name) is just wrong on so many fronts. :(

Well, at least the 'Stang and F-150 have bright futures.

A 4 cylinder "Explorer" (and I use the term loosely with the '11 which simply isn't an Explorer except in name) is just wrong on so many fronts. :(

Wasn't the Bronco II basically a Explorer Sport? I came with a 4 cylinder, right?

Wasn't the Bronco II basically a Explorer Sport? I came with a 4 cylinder, right?

bronco II had a 2.8L v6 and a 2.9L v6 that came later. And I really really hate to say this but that 4 banger will still be making more power than most of the 1st and 2nd gens out there.

bronco II had a 2.8L v6 and a 2.9L v6 that came later. And I really really hate to say this but that 4 banger will still be making more power than most of the 1st and 2nd gens out there.

Still, the whole concept of the new Explorer bothers me. It's a car, not a truck. Even Ford admits that. They should have just given it a new name and and let the venerable Explorer die gracefully. They're just name dropping when it comes down to it. People are falling for it, so bold move for Ford. Unlikely I'd ever own one.

For someone who was attracted to Explorers back in the spring of '93 when I factory ordered my first one, it saddens me. I had two buddies with Bronco II's. They both bought them brand new and I found them to be poorly made, and sort of "cheap" feeling. As time went on, the whole SUV concept appealed to me, so after sitting in a Pathfinder, a 4 Runner, and a Cherokee at a car show, I bought an Explorer for what it WAS, a solid, TRUCK. The other offerings felt cheap to me too. I remember how sitting in an Explorer was "love at first feel" for me. I ordered my '93 Sport soon after.

I definitely don't like what the Explorer has become. They're appealing to the soccer moms of the world (nothing has changed there). I thought that what the Flex and Edge were for these days. I'm a Ford guy and always will be for the most part. This latest Explorer rendition just leaves me feeling empty. :(

Does it really matter what the new Explorer is as opposed to what it can do? A "truck" is just a modified car and vice versa. Different frame and shape, same 4 wheels, still has an engine, steering, etc. The details are different and it's purpose is different but at the end of the day, they all move "stuff".

I understand brand loyalty but most die-hards on this forum act as if the Explorer was the only truck-based SUV in the world. If you don't like the 2011 X, there are plenty of other truck-based SUVs out there for you. Don't want to leave Ford? Then you have the Escape and Expedition to choose from.

I hate soccer moms just as much as the next guy but keep in mind they are the target audience for an SUV/CUV in the first place. If you're young and unmarried, you don't need a big vehicle. Same if your old and have no kids around. That leaves the generation with the 1-18 year old kids still in the house, soccer moms.

We have such an intimate relationship with our vehicles and this leads to our cut-throat opinions. How the vehicle looks, how it makes us feel and whether or not you'll admit it, how it makes other's view us. Mercedes/BMW wouldn't exist if that last one wasn't true.

Stating that this model has made 99.6% of the Explorer consumers happy? Which gender was polled here? What was the male/female ratio of that poll?

The female (sorry, really not trying to be a sexist) heads of management have managed to turn this vehicle into a purse toting feminine wuss of its former self. The same has been done to the new Cherokee, but it wasn't neutered completely like this model was.
Every female driver I know drives like a maniac and craves to go fast in & out of traffic, but don't give a crap about how that HP is manufactured, as long as its there. They also don't like a gas guzzler. Welcome a car chassis, charged 4 banger to the mix.

Bottom line. Ford sold out. Economy or gender? Hard for me to decide that one. Just remember this when you see a 2011 Ex rolling threw a Mall parking lot......

Real men don't carry purses, they don't wear lipstick, they call a truck a truck, they do not call a car a truck, ...............Women do.

To add a thought:
One day at a board meeting, the decision was made to let the men have the F-series, Excursions, Expedition, and Mustangs. Everything else was given to tailor the needs of the women. Hows that for simplicity? :)

I don't have a complaint worthy of airing since I am not one of the few with a sack of cash buying new. New vehicles are designed for those who do have this sack of cash.

Men buy, then modify.

Admit it, even the old explorers aren't really good enough as is-most here have been modified in some way or another.

And I think a solid axle edge would be rockin'.

Bottom line. Ford sold out. Economy or gender? Hard for me to decide that one. Just remember this when you see a 2011 Ex rolling threw a Mall parking lot......

Well good. It'll be right at home with the rest of the trucks, SUVs, cross-overs, econoboxes and sportscars.

Living in Colorado, I know lots of people with 4wd vehicles. And very few of those ever get off the pavement.

Stating that this model has made 99.6% of the Explorer consumers happy? Which gender was polled here? What was the male/female ratio of that poll?

From the Ward's Article:

Wards Auto said:
Marentic says the old system, in which drivers had to choose between 4-wheel-drive low and high settings, proved confusing. She recalls asking an Explorer owner how often she used the 4WD low setting.
“She said, ‘Never,’ because she was afraid of what it would do to the car,” Marentic says. “So designing a terrain-management system that is simple and not intimidating was important.

LOL, Some of you are passionate to the point of clouding your view and perception. I am a truck and muslce car guy. I have had more lifted supercharged vehicles than non-lifted supercharged vehicles. I have NEVER thought of the Explorer than anything more than an on-road car with the ability (meaning some clearence and 4 wheel drive) to go off road.

My guess is most poeple who are so dillusionally hateful towards this new Explorer have no intention of buying anything new (most of the comments that are negative are from people owning pre-2000 models, I would be pissed too LOL) and just tyring to justify themselves driving their 10 year model. Whatever spins your beanie. I came to this forum looking for an explorer enthusiast crowd where I could learn about the explorer......what I found was much different. I found the typical small forum banter that never leads anywhere and most often is just some un-educated (I am not talking college, I am talking actual knowledge) person with no ideas of there own (read off the internet and adopted as their own).

Not saying everyone that I have conversed with has been like this, but I would venture (not in the new explorer on this forum though LOL) say that 80% of my encounters have been this way. I have learned nothing from this forum and will continue my search for something more thoughtful and intelligent.

On that, I say good day!

Thanks @Turdle for the heads up for the thread :)

Hey everyone, my name is Marielle and I'm working directly with Team Detroit for the launch of the 2011 Ford Explorer! I have another thread going on the forum, but Turdle was kind enough to direct me here too :) I see there are a lot of strong opinions on the new Explorer and I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I'm here to answer any questions you may have!

@mrpositraction I'm glad you came here to learn about the Explorer, and I'd be more than happy to help you :)

It's going to take time for there to be a forum presence of the new explorers, even the 06+ section is still slow and just starting to get some real traction. Most people don't mod brand new cars, and have no reason to come here looking for help with fixing it since it's still under warranty.

I have learned nothing from this forum and will continue my search for something more thoughtful and intelligent.

On that, I say good day!

It's 2-1/2 hours later, and you're still signed on... :D

Wow If I was coming from the outside I would wonder why this forum has made it so far--And I would certainly not buy a new Explorer.

You guys are really killing a huge opportunity--personally I would rather see millions in the junk yards in the future. How are we going to get them there if nobody buys them. Geez


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ya know this is all reminiscent of when the 3rd gens came out...
