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'02 Explorer Transmission issue


March 28, 2010
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2002 Ford Explorer XLT
The transmission doesn't seem to want to catch that 3rd gear unless I let off the pedal. (I'm not an aggressive driver) This is worse when going up a slight incline. The RPM's rev up to as high as 3500+ in that one gear

How we arrived at this issue:
Just learning to change my own oil. My big mistake was that I drained the transmission fluid instead. :banghead:
No Dipstick!
Tried my best to read up on how to replace the fluid.
Found a bolt on the side of the pan. Unscrewed it, stuck a small hose in there and heard something drop into the pan. CRAP!
Kept going. Filled the pan with the same amount that I drained using a pump.
Started driving and the "Issue" began. It was pretty bad at this point. Almost not drivable.

I took to a local transmission shop. They dropped the pan and saw that the thing that fell into the pan was pretty darn important. It had to do with the shifting so they filled it with more trans fluid and replaced that thing using some sort of "pack." $600+

After the Professional fix 1:
Now it's drivable but I'm having the same "Issue" described above so I took it back. They put a little more fluid in it. Dropped the fluid pan and made some "minor adjustments."

After the Professionals fix 2:
Same as "Issue" described above.
I guess I'll take it back tomorrow and have them ride with me.
Anyone have any suggestions for what I can tell them or maybe you know more than they know.

Thanks in advance!

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Welcome to this forum! I see that this is your first post, and you were here for a while. Do you have a flashing O/D light or a check engine light? If so, then there is a code stored. Adjust the bands, and see if it helps. You might have a broken band or servo. The servo bores, and solenoid blocks are common issues on these 5R55W transmissions.

Yes, I do have a flashing o/d light. The porfessionals say they adjusted the band. What is the next step? Will it be expensive?

Welcome to the forum officially and sorry to hear this is your first post. Really the next step after the supposed fix and the adjustments is to do a rebuild or a complete replacement. Its better to get everything done so you know that the problem is going to be fixed instead of just doing the transmission piece by piece.

Are these the code numbers?
PO 733 Gear 3
incorrect ratio
PO 745 Line Pressure
control solennoid

This is what was printed on the receipt.
They did mention that if I ended up needing a full rebuild then they would apply the amount I already paid to the price of the rebuild.

Over all, that's pretty good for one of these transmissions. There is an alternative to doing the servo bore repair. Somebody from this site came out with the idea of a modified servo with an O ring. The repair could be performed with the transmission still in the vehicle (unlike the servo bore repair which requires tearing the entire transmission apart). It's important to know what the code numbers are before doing anything else.

Band problem

I called the transmission shop again today. They said bring it back on Monday. She mentioned that they have different levels of mechanics that work there. Their "Master" mechanic will be back on Monday and will take a look at it.

My thought was:
Well, I guess they just got the guy that sweeps the floors to adjust my band.

I'll give an update after I hear back from them.

I called the transmission shop again today. They said bring it back on Monday. She mentioned that they have different levels of mechanics that work there. Their "Master" mechanic will be back on Monday and will take a look at it.

My thought was:
Well, I guess they just got the guy that sweeps the floors to adjust my band.

I'll give an update after I hear back from them.

I thought that transmissions no longer have bands but the have clutch pads. I haven't heard of band adjustments in years.

I thought that transmissions no longer have bands but the have clutch pads. I haven't heard of band adjustments in years.

What actually fails when there is a bore problem. Is there a mechanism failure or a pressure leak?
Also, it seems useless to rebuild a transmission with a design defect without modifying it to correct the defect.
How would you get an honest repair? The transmmison shops would rather have you come back and pay more again for yet another rebuild. Seems like a bad problem.

I ended up taking the explorer back to the same repair shop after about a week.
The problem was better, but not fixed.
They told me they would have to "rebuild" the transmission.
That cost me a good bit of money and time.
I think I took it back to them 3 more times even after the "rebuild" as it kept slipping in 2nd gear.
They kind of had me by the nads when it comes to this transmission issue. I know nothing about it.

No issues lately...

I ended up taking the explorer back to the same repair shop after about a week.
The problem was better, but not fixed.
They told me they would have to "rebuild" the transmission.
That cost me a good bit of money and time.
I think I took it back to them 3 more times even after the "rebuild" as it kept slipping in 2nd gear.
They kind of had me by the nads when it comes to this transmission issue. I know nothing about it.

No issues lately...

I'm getting a 2002 Eddied Bauer for about $5000. 42,000 miles on it and no transmission problem yet. I will have the fliud and filter changed when I get it. First sign of tranny trouble, I will dump the vehicle.....that is I will donate it. I'm not gonna waiste money on incompetent technicians rebuilding it or waist time looking for an honest technician. Based on some of these posts that I have read, there are plenty horror stories. Hopefully I will get a couple of years out of the explorer.

I'm getting a 2002 Eddied Bauer for about $5000. 42,000 miles on it and no transmission problem yet. I will have the fliud and filter changed when I get it. First sign of tranny trouble, I will dump the vehicle.....that is I will donate it. I'm not gonna waiste money on incompetent technicians rebuilding it or waist time looking for an honest technician. Based on some of these posts that I have read, there are plenty horror stories. Hopefully I will get a couple of years out of the explorer.

Great deal!
I got mine for $5,000 but it had about 95,000 miles at the time. It has about 165,000 miles on it now.
Started to have some electrical issues with power locks and such that I can't really fix myself, but I can live without.
Sounds like you have the right idea.

Great deal!
I got mine for $5,000 but it had about 95,000 miles at the time. It has about 165,000 miles on it now.
Started to have some electrical issues with power locks and such that I can't really fix myself, but I can live without.
Sounds like you have the right idea.

Any tranny problems at 165,000 miles?

Any tranny problems at 165,000 miles?

Unfortunately, I'm the one the started this thread because I had a problem. But note that is was my own fault. I was inexperienced in changing my regular oil, pulled the plug on the transmission fluid...and the problems began. This was at about 143k miles.
Expensive lesson learned.

Unfortunately, I'm the one the started this thread because I had a problem. But note that is was my own fault. I was inexperienced in changing my regular oil, pulled the plug on the transmission fluid...and the problems began. This was at about 143k miles.
Expensive lesson learned.

At least the tranny lasted until 143k miles. Others claim that the tranny dies at about 65,000 miles.

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2002 5r55w problem

I purchased this explorer with the tranny problem. I was told the truck only had first nothing no reverse or anything else, got there explorer only had 1st. So my plans was to install new tranny I have it out on the floor now. However I can only wonder if Im about to waste money, because I towed the truck 50 miles and when I got home pulled off trailer the truck had all gears shifts hard and O/D light blinking. Any Ideas of what could move around on this transmision.

Thanks for the help.

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