Dealership is charging me $180 bucks to install optional Equipment on my new Ex!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dealership is charging me $180 bucks to install optional Equipment on my new Ex!!!


February 15, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Washington DC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 XLT 4X4
Have any of you had to deal with this crap??? I ordered the dual headrest DVD system with my new $40,000 Explorer and the dealership turns around and charges me another $180 to install it!!! :mad:

I mean I would think that when you order a vehicle it would come already assembled including the stupid DVD player! What's next Ford...Are you going to charge me extra to put tires on it too??? :thumbdwn: Shame on you Ford!

I asked the dealer what's going on and they say that Ford is passing the cost on to them so they are passing it on to me! I knew it was deler installed option but charging the customer extra to completly assemble a brand new $40,000 truck seems ridiculous to me!

Very disapointed...
--Matt H.

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Have any of you had to deal with this crap??? I ordered the dual headrest DVD system with my new $40,000 Explorer and the dealership turns around and charges me another $180 to install it!!! :mad:

I mean I would think that when you order a vehicle it would come already assembled including the stupid DVD player! What's next Ford...Are you going to charge me extra to put tires on it too??? :thumbdwn: Shame on you Ford!

I asked the dealer what's going on and they say that Ford is passing the cost on to them so they are passing it on to me! I knew it was deler installed option but charging the customer extra to completly assemble a brand new $40,000 truck seems ridiculous to me!

Very disapointed...
--Matt H.

I think you should be more upset at the dealer than Ford.....if the $180 is that important....threaten to walk.

Call a few other dealers and see if they charge this fee also.

It's not the amount of money, its only $180 bucks, its the principle of the thing. Its just another way to screw the consumer.


Yup, and I would call Ford Customer Service and let them know what the dealer is doing, I doubt that they will be very happy with the dealer.

Why would you expect the dealership to do work for free? You should have negotiated this into your purchase price.

I don't know what's involved in the DVD install, or how long it will take, but I do know they will have to spend some time with your truck. Shouldn't they receive compensation for the work?

I understand you're upset, and maybe surprised by the charges. Talk to the dealership, and re-negotiate your deal. You have "walking power". Another dealership will gladly take your money.

Its just another way to screw the consumer.

How exactly are you getting screwed? Do you work for free? Does you company charge fairly for services that are provided? Silly.

Just because you purchased a $40K Explorer, are you entitled to a free DVD install? Probably not.

Now, if the install labor was "built" into the hardware price from Ford, that you have a justified grip with the dealership.

Wow, I do think the dealership is screwing him over. I was seriously considering the DVD players and thought the cost of the players included installation. I ordered splash guards with mine and do not expect to pay extra to have them installed, that is ludicrous. The cost of the installation should be included in the purchase price or the dealer should have made that extra cost known up front when he ordered the vehicle. I would be mad too! :thumbdwn:

Now, if the install labor was "built" into the hardware price from Ford, that you have a justified grip with the dealership.

That's the big question. I would think that is implied unless when you build there is a note that installation charges apply.

When I see Explores on dealership's lots, with these "dealer installed options" they have additional charges for labor. Things like DVD players, splash guards, and pinstriping.

I would check with Ford Customer Service as someone has already suggested. When these are dealer installed factory options I would agree the install costs should be included in the price.

Especially with a $1500 DVD system.

My dealership didnt charge for my OEM DVD install, it takes about 1-2 hrs depending on the skill of the installer and typical cost is approx $150

You guys are crazy if you think it is right that he should be getting charged for this. It is a FACTORY OPTION that the dealer is on the hook to install. I'm sure that the price of the option includes compensation for the dealer. Either that or Ford told the dealer if they want to sell their sparkly, new explorer they will put in the system. If he bought the truck and then went back for it ok, but he ordered it with the car as an option.

Also, let's be realistic here, it isn't a major amount of work. You pop out the headrests, put the new ones in, connect the molex connectors in the seat and away you go.

Same with roof cross bars. They are dealer installed and just slide in. My father just bought a new Ex and the service manager at our dealer is stopping by his house on his WAY HOME to install them for him in the driveway so he doesn't have to wait at the dealer.

I haven't taken delivery of mine yet, but it is SO assumed that they will be installing it as part of my purchase price and not more money. If you ordered the optional floor mats would you expect a charge from the dealer to install that option too? Probably all of the installs are considered part of the dealer prep fee.

They are trying to hose him.

You guys are crazy if you think it is right that he should be getting charged for this. It is a FACTORY OPTION that the dealer is on the hook to install. I'm sure that the price of the option includes compensation for the dealer. Either that or Ford told the dealer if they want to sell their sparkly, new explorer they will put in the system. If he bought the truck and then went back for it ok, but he ordered it with the car as an option.

Also, let's be realistic here, it isn't a major amount of work. You pop out the headrests, put the new ones in, connect the molex connectors in the seat and away you go.

Same with roof cross bars. They are dealer installed and just slide in. My father just bought a new Ex and the service manager at our dealer is stopping by his house on his WAY HOME to install them for him in the driveway so he doesn't have to wait at the dealer.

I haven't taken delivery of mine yet, but it is SO assumed that they will be installing it as part of my purchase price and not more money. If you ordered the optional floor mats would you expect a charge from the dealer to install that option too? Probably all of the installs are considered part of the dealer prep fee.

They are trying to hose him.

Well said, I agree!

I can see both sides of the argument here. I've made it known in previous posts that I have not been blown away by customer service with almost all car dealerships, but the consumer has to take responsibility for knowing what they are paying for (to a certain extent). So it comes down to one question in my mind. When was this charge added? Was it on the initial invoice (when the dealer clearly knew they would need to be installing the DVD players)? If not, then shame on them for not disclosing the fee until you are on the hook. Let's face it, $180 isn't enough for you to go to another dealership and start the waiting process all over and place a new order. If it was on the initial invoice, then you have to take responsibility for not questioning it sooner (well, you don't have to, but you should).

I agree, they should not be charging you for this.

How exactly are you getting screwed? Do you work for free? Does you company charge fairly for services that are provided? Silly.

Just because you purchased a $40K Explorer, are you entitled to a free DVD install? Probably not.

Now, if the install labor was "built" into the hardware price from Ford, that you have a justified grip with the dealership.

No, I don't work for free. In fact I worked for Ford for 15 years and got paid very well, but when I provided a product it was stated...This isn't an aftermarket piece here, this is an option I ordered right out of the Ford order guide and it indicated dealer installed but said nothing about installation charges. If I got a pinstripe, splash guards, bug shield ect...then I would expect to pay extra for installation. Those items are in a seperate part of the brochure called "accessories", the entertainment system is not.

--Just my opinion

You guys are crazy if you think it is right that he should be getting charged for this. It is a FACTORY OPTION that the dealer is on the hook to install. I'm sure that the price of the option includes compensation for the dealer. Either that or Ford told the dealer if they want to sell their sparkly, new explorer they will put in the system. If he bought the truck and then went back for it ok, but he ordered it with the car as an option.

Also, let's be realistic here, it isn't a major amount of work. You pop out the headrests, put the new ones in, connect the molex connectors in the seat and away you go.

Same with roof cross bars. They are dealer installed and just slide in. My father just bought a new Ex and the service manager at our dealer is stopping by his house on his WAY HOME to install them for him in the driveway so he doesn't have to wait at the dealer.

I haven't taken delivery of mine yet, but it is SO assumed that they will be installing it as part of my purchase price and not more money. If you ordered the optional floor mats would you expect a charge from the dealer to install that option too? Probably all of the installs are considered part of the dealer prep fee.

They are trying to hose him.

I purchased an aftermarket DVD headrest just because the "installation" price was as much as buying a new system. Is it really that simple to install the power? If there is 12V inside the seats already, can I just tap into this with my DVD player power?

Has anyone taken the seat backs off and done this? I am hoping to do it myself, but am a little nervous about it. If it is simply Molex inside, that would make life SIMPLE!


I agree as well that you should not have to pay for the install. Factory options are just that and should have it factored in. Splash guards are also factory ordered. I ordered the splash guards and do not, excuse me, will not pay for install.

Now I also requested the rear bumper protector which is an accessory and if they want to charhe me labor on that, so be it however I dont expect to be charged to stick it on the bumper.

Splash guards are also factory ordered. I ordered the splash guards and do not, excuse me, will not pay for install.

I hate to break it to ya, but if you ordered the Factory Spalsh Guards as part of your 'official order', you will be charged $185 for about $90 dollors worth of product. The other $95 is for labor. I've seen this on dealership's window stickers. Just take a look/see:

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