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3rd gen winch bumper



This is a custom built winch bumper for a 3rd gen explorer.
I currently have a Smittybilt XRC8 mounted in it, but it would fit any 8-10k lbs winch i belive, it mounts to the stock 4 bolt holes.
to mount the winch some body must be trimmed slightly (will not be seen if the factory bumper is put back on)

If you want i can remove the winch mounts and fill the holes and no stock material will be needed to be removed to mount bumper.

bumper is 3/8" and 1/4" at the mounting point. All mig welds (not flux core)

BARE METAL, not yet painted or powdercoated.

Includes all hardwear (no winch or fairlead)

selling because I am building a smaller newer one, not due to issues

will not ship, but will travel ~100 miles (some additional cost)

contact for more info or comments/questions

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thats one of the nicest looking 3rd gens ive seen man. looks awesome

thats one of the nicest looking 3rd gens ive seen man. looks awesome

thanks man!!

hopefully i can sell this bumper to finance a new one!!

hahaha im looking for one, but that one wont fit mine ;)

will sell CHEAPPPP!!

PM sent

If you post the price here, it could only help you sell it...

well i would really like to get 400 if possible,
I dunno, make an offer someone

Yes, I did pay 600 for it, but I am only selling it to finance building a new bumper, and any ef member th*t wants it will get a better deal, my craigslist add is 600
Posted via Mobile Device



This is a custom built winch bumper for a 3rd gen explorer.
I currently have a Smittybilt XRC8 mounted in it, but it would fit any 8-10k lbs winch i belive, it mounts to the stock 4 bolt holes.
to mount the winch some body must be trimmed slightly (will not be seen if the factory bumper is put back on)

If you want i can remove the winch mounts and fill the holes and no stock material will be needed to be removed to mount bumper.

bumper is 3/8" and 1/4" at the mounting point. All mig welds (not flux core)

BARE METAL, not yet painted or powdercoated.

Includes all hardwear (no winch or fairlead)

selling because I am building a smaller newer one, not due to issues

will not ship, but will travel ~100 miles (some additional cost)

contact for more info or comments/questions

Hi Nick,can you please tell me if you can ship the bumper to ct and how much this cost.

wish i lived closer so i could buy it haha

how do i get a third gen bumper like that ?ive bin searching everywhere dose anyone make them as i do not have welding skills?

What's the difference to fit it Ina 2nd gen ?

(5 years later)
i saw your new one, excellent looking. Would you be willing to build one for my 05 mountaineer? I believe the dimensions are practically identical. Nobody around here can weld to save their life and i just never took up the trade.

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