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Need New Tires for 02 Sport Trac - Recommendatinos Please


August 18, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Smyrna, Tennessee
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Explorer Sport Trac
I am in need of new tires for my 02 Sport Trac. It is 4 wheel drive and ocassionally I do get off road when deer hunting. I would like something that serves dual purpose (smooth highway with decent off road traction).

What do you guys recommend or have ahd good success with?

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I am not really stuck on a price range. Had a local tire dealer that I do a lot of business with from work quote me $563 (total out the door) on a new set of Goodyear Wrangler RT/S but the reviews are mixed with some folks loving them but some complaining about wet weather condition traction.

I'm in that latter crowd. I think those tires are junk. Not only did I think they were dangerous on wet roads, I spun tires in 4wd in my parent's back yard in wet grass on a roughly 25% grade. The tires were gone that week and my mother wasn't happy about the grass. If you want this anywhere offroad and able to find your way back to pavement afterward without a tow, don't buy those tires.

That is really why I posted this thread...to see what everyone is using/recommending. What do you have on your Sport Trac (or any other tire recommendatinos)?

As of a couple hours ago, I have no tires at the moment.

I sold my 265/75R16 Sport King ATs after having them for a year and a half, approximately 20k+ miles and they still had 10/32s tread left, or around 55-60% tread. No problems, even wear, quiet on road, pretty good offroad except in really soupy mud. Not sold everywhere, though. I had never heard of them before but my trusted tire guy recommended them and they were $600 out the door. They're a Michelin brand with a similar tread pattern to the BFG ATs. I'd buy them again.

General Grabbers and Coopers seem to get good reviews, per dollar. I've also seen nothing but good reviews of Treadwright's tires. Those will probably be my next replacement 35s.

Buying wheels tonight to mount 35" BGF KM2s.

i have cooper fierce attitudes AMAZING!!! there a little expensive but they look great and deffinately ride nice.

If you you're looking for a dual purpose tire I'd suggest these to look at...
Don't go with the GY wrangler RTS's their overpriced and garbage.

1. GoodYear DuraTrac's I and other members have these and love them

2. General Grabber AT2's These have the best overall rating out there and if I didn't get the GY's I was looking at these

3. Cooper SST's Heard alot of great things about these

Here's mine...




second the duratracs,the ride smooth enough on road but perform damn good off road and wont leave you hanging in any weather.

I have the Yoko Geolanders and so far so good with a new set of 4 Rancho 5000's and the ride combo has been much improved. I mainly use it on the highway and it is a 2wd.

My brother has used BF Goodrich Rugged Terrain TAs on his Exterra and really likes them.

Any comments on this tire?

I do basically no off-roading but the Michellin LTX M/S is an excellent tire as far as road use and driving in inclement weather. I have these on my wife's '04 4X4 Explorer. On my Sport Trac I put General Grabber HTS, and they are terrible!! I am very unhappy with the ride as they have aged (only 1 year btw). The only thing I can say positive about the Gen. HTS is that they actaully have really good snow traction surprisingly. My ST is 2 wheel drive but I had no problems getting around during a 3 inch surprise snow last year that hit during afternoon rush hour before roads had been cleared in any manner.

I had Bridgestone Dueler REVO's on my old '05 Trac. Hands down the best all-around tire I ever had. Downside, they wore out kinda fast, like 25k. Great in mud for an A/T, rain, and snow.
On this one I have Firestone Destination A/T's, not as aggressive but then I don't off-road this truck and look more at snow performance. They do real well and I got 40k out of the first set and just got four more.

BFG Long Trail. I like em so far! haha

I had Bridgestone Dueler REVO's on my old '05 Trac. Hands down the best all-around tire I ever had. Downside, they wore out kinda fast, like 25k. Great in mud for an A/T, rain, and snow.
On this one I have Firestone Destination A/T's, not as aggressive but then I don't off-road this truck and look more at snow performance. They do real well and I got 40k out of the first set and just got four more.

I have a set of Dueller Altezza(?)s on my '04 2wd trac and so far they SUCK in snow. I bought them because they're supposed to be a good all weather tire and I went in the ditch in half an inch of snow this morning. I was only going about 70 km/h at the time. I put some weight in the back so I will see if that helps.

I've got the Dueler A/T Revos on my '11 FX4 & I love 'em. I sell quite a few of those always with good reviews. The BFG Rugged Terrains are very good as well, a more aggressive sidewall, while a less aggressive tread (so it'll be quieter on the highway) but still M/S rated. The Goodyear RT/S's are a tire that have been out for a long time & alot that you find out there are older stock (because they are phasing the tire out) and the Dura Tracs seem to be pretty good, but fairly expensive too. Just my $.02

Goodyear Dura Trac, seems to making a BIG splash lately with VERY good reviews.

BFG A/T has been the standard for A/T for many years.

I run Nitto Terra Grappler. I have no complaints.

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Sorry to hijack the thread, but I had a question about tires. I originally wanted to get a set of Wrangler A/T's or something fairly agreesive for my trac but I was told not to by a co-worker because it's a 2wd. He said it would suck in the slush and snow, the tires would try to plow instead of dig through the snow. He has them on his Chevy 1500 but it is 4x4. I was wondering if any 2wd guys had any input on this. Thanks.
