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What happens if your Adaptive Cruise Sensor Fails?


Well-Known Member
February 5, 2011
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City, State
Hoffman Estates, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Limited Platinum
This happened to me yesterday, driving with the adaptive cruise on and in traffic. The sensor was "lost". The Ex immediately and automatically went into a deceleration mode, collision warning light and chimes went off (although no collision was even close), and a sensor failure warning was displayed. I immediately went to the accelerator due to traffic behind me. Attempts to reset the cruise control resulted in redisplay of the sensor warning. Finally turned the cruise off and back on and all was fine. Did not have to restart the vehicle. Other than waking my wife up from her nap, and likely choice comments from people behind me, no harm/no foul. Actually good to know how a sensor communication failure responds.

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Thanks for the heads up.

Thanks, it is good to know that a sensor failure won't just result in a collision.

Thanks for the info! We were on our way to our vacation home last night and I kept pushing up the gap toggle switch to increase the gap, but kept getting closer and closer to the car in front of me. That's when I realized the switch is backwards:

UP: for less gap
DOWN: for more gap

Thank you for the heads up for sure

Thanks for the info! We were on our way to our vacation home last night and I kept pushing up the gap toggle switch to increase the gap, but kept getting closer and closer to the car in front of me. That's when I realized the switch is backwards:

UP: for less gap
DOWN: for more gap

I remember it as:
Up to "Push them along"
Down to "Back off"

I remember it as:
Up to "Push them along"
Down to "Back off"
It also shows up on the display. The more gap you want the more 'bars' show up in front of the display of your vehicle.

This happened to me yesterday, driving with the adaptive cruise on and in traffic.

Drivers are already disconnected from driving....this feature only adds to the problem. Wait for this to fail, kill someone, and the lawsuits to start.

This, BLIS, auto park, etc are why I went with the XLT.

Drivers are already disconnected from driving....this feature only adds to the problem. Wait for this to fail, kill someone, and the lawsuits to start.

This, BLIS, auto park, etc are why I went with the XLT.
I think drivers in general not paying attention is probably more of a problem and likelyhood than having the ACC fail. Also, unlike a driver, who can be momentarily distracted, the ACC is always vigilant. In any case, using ACC or any of the other electronic options is not an excuse for drivers to ignore what is going on around them. If they do, that Collision Alert alarm will definitely wake them up. These items are there to augment driver awareness, not to replace it.

I think drivers in general not paying attention is probably more of a problem and likelyhood than having the ACC fail. Also, unlike a driver, who can be momentarily distracted, the ACC is always vigilant. In any case, using ACC or any of the other electronic options is not an excuse for drivers to ignore what is going on around them. If they do, that Collision Alert alarm will definitely wake them up. These items are there to augment driver awareness, not to replace it.
I agree. Given the choice of ACC and regular cruise, I would take the ACC any day because of the increased safety. The collision warning is very effective. Even when you see something happening it helps "calibrate" what is going on. As I said in my original post, I immediately knew something was wrong and went to the accelerator for the traffic behind me.

I agree. Given the choice of ACC and regular cruise, I would take the ACC any day because of the increased safety. The collision warning is very effective. Even when you see something happening it helps "calibrate" what is going on. As I said in my original post, I immediately knew something was wrong and went to the accelerator for the traffic behind me.

what I do to keep alert is when in cruise on the highway if I notice my gap between me and the car in front of me is reducing I will press the the negative - speed on the steering wheel, several times to reduce my speed and distance and if I get too close I will touch my brakes to 2 warn the cars behind me. Helps to keep me alert and awake...but thats just me
I have a 2010 Edge and lurking this forum as I am thinking of trading in for a 2013 Explorer sometime next year so Ford better fix the MTF or its a no go for me for another Ford...

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