5.0 Throttle Body? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 Throttle Body?


Elite Explorer
August 31, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Millbury, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT - 347 S/C
So I'm pretty far along in my project of swapping a 5.0 into my explorer. Now I'm needing to know what throttle body I need and where I can get one? If I am correct the stock TB is only 65mm. To benefit from all my mods then I'm pretty sure I need a bigger one; 70 or 75mm? I've been searching but I can't find any that say they are for the 5.0 explorer.

Any input would be great!

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I remember something about using a 4.6L mustang TB but I can't remember if it will work or if it's bigger than the 5.0 one or not. I'm more up on the 4.0 mods since that's what I owned for that past 6 years before venturing into the 5.0 world!

I remember something about using a 4.6L mustang TB but I can't remember if it will work or if it's bigger than the 5.0 one or not. I'm more up on the 4.0 mods since that's what I owned for that past 6 years before venturing into the 5.0 world!

The 4.6L one works on the 4.0 SOHC.

I've never seen any aftermarket or similar that work on the 5.0. I scored an OEM once on eBay several years ago that had been ported and polished. Didn't really notice and performance gains to be honest.

The 4.6L one works on the 4.0 SOHC.

I've never seen any aftermarket or similar that work on the 5.0. I scored an OEM once on eBay several years ago that had been ported and polished. Didn't really notice and performance gains to be honest.

ok, Thanks for the response. That's what I've been noticing also is that there isn't really any selection out there for 5.0 TB's.

The reason I was thinking I would benefit is that I'm going to be running a stroker and an eaton M-90 X-Charger...

Depending on what type of mods you have planned the 65MM should be plenty. Even with better heads/cam/intake combo the 65 will make better torque than a 70 or 75. :)

However, if you are planning a stroker with some AFR 205's, Short runner intake, and a custom cam then yeah a larger TB would be in order.

You can run a 5.0 mustang one, you just have to modify the cable pull as they work the opposite way as ours.

Thanks guys. I did already buy a BBK 75mm 86-93 mustang TB. The throttle pull is different and there is a vacumn thing before the throttle plate on the mustang TB that our explorer don't have. I had a machinist friend of mine remove that and install a ball bearing in its place to close the hole. I'm going to wait to modify the throttle pull until after it is installed.

I port matched the 90 degreee intake pipe alreaday as well. I felt it was necessary to get a bigger TB because I am building a stroker with AFR 205 heads and a supercharger. Any torque that might be lost due to the larger TB should be gained back and then some by the supercharger.
