Bad or Burnt Exhaust smell in cabin during hard acceleration. | Page 24 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Has anyone heard of, found, or experienced a solution to the Ford Explorer exhaust issue?

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Exhaust Smell

Hi I have a new 2013 explorer xlt and I am smelling exhaust fumes in my car when I accelerate past 80 MPH. With the Air/Heat on or off or recirculated or not...... I see the TSB repair but have also read that isn't fixing the problem. I have 3,600 miles on the car and it should be past all the "breaking" in smells. They washed all the hoses that close to the vents with a degreaser and it took it away for a week..... Help!!!

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I too am having the same issue ( '13 ex sport ) - but I only have 800miles on mine ( took delivery on Nov 16th/2012 ). So I'll wait until a couple thousand before I start making a stink about it.

I will note that it definitely isn't burnt oil smell and I don't think a sulfur smell is accurate either. I find it to be more of a 'perm' smell that others have started to categorize it as. I thought that was the most accurate analogous smell.

I just bought a 2013 Explorer myself. I am having an exhaust smell come into the car with the Air or heat on or off. They told me the same thing stickers burning off car breaking in blah blah blah..... They washed all the hoses with a degreaser to remove the "NEW" smell from coming into the car. Guess what? It's back. At first it was happening when I would go over 80 miles per hour or when I needed to punch through traffic. Now it happens at any speed after the car has been running for about a good 15 minutes. I have a call into the dealer to look for the problem again. I am worried because I bought this car for my future family, if it's not fixable I am going to have to give it back. Sad part is I love the car hate the smell..... My sister was going to buy the sport I told her not to.
Is this smell only on the 2013 models?
Over 80 and 'punching' it. I hope that wasn't during the first 1000 mile break-in period.
I don't know what the speed limits are in your area but 80 would get your vehicle impounded here plus a very hefty fine and demerit points not to mention a license suspension.
Anyway, I hope that a solution is found soon for those with this problem. It can't be a pleasant experience. Good luck.


Limit your hard acceleration for now. Only do so when very very very necessary and when you do punch it, make sure you immediately open the window to let the smell out.

Sucks that we have to live with it for a while now...US$62,000 vehicle....*sigh*

I live in California the speed limit is 65 which means people drive 70-75 so to pass cars yes I have to go 80mph. I waited for the initial 1500 mile break in period. Driving lessons are not needed considering I've been driving for over 20 years with no accidents. I am a safe driver taught by my uncles who are law enforcement..

Peter, yes after the 1000 mile break in period. In California the speed limit on the highway is 65 which means 70-75 so merging onto the highway is difficult. I just want the problem fixed. The news stated there is a recall on the fusion and escape models 2013.

Hi I have a new 2013 explorer xlt and I am smelling exhaust fumes in my car when I accelerate past 80 MPH. With the Air/Heat on or off or recirculated or not...... I see the TSB repair but have also read that isn't fixing the problem. I have 3,600 miles on the car and it should be past all the "breaking" in smells. They washed all the hoses that close to the vents with a degreaser and it took it away for a week..... Help!!!

Hi karina,

Just a heads up: I responded to your PM. Please let me know if you need any additional questions answered.

Limit your hard acceleration for now. Only do so when very very very necessary and when you do punch it, make sure you immediately open the window to let the smell out...

Thanks for adding you comments and suggestions, JCat and dragonexplorer12. I'm sure karina appreciates it.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have questions or concerns!

I live in California the speed limit is 65 which means people drive 70-75 so to pass cars yes I have to go 80mph. I waited for the initial 1500 mile break in period. Driving lessons are not needed considering I've been driving for over 20 years with no accidents. I am a safe driver taught by my uncles who are law enforcement..

I understand what you mean, karina. I lived in California a while back. California drivers, especially in Southern California, are just so greedy when it comes keeping lanes. When you try to go in from a freeway entrance, drivers try to race you! When you try to change lanes, drivers move up to keep their space! Haha! It's also like that here in the Philippines. So, I understand the need to punch it at times.

I just bought the OEM window deflector kit. These deflectors will help by letting me crack the window open to air out the smell if it does come.

I to have the smell. More like a perm like the post above explained. 2011 awd v6 limited no tow pakage. Dealer says they cant reproduce the smell...go figure! Happens only during heavy exceleration at highway speeds.

Just about anything over 4000 RPM will trigger the smell for us.

Just about anything over 4000 RPM will trigger the smell for us., does it really go that high?:D
Mine rarely hits 3000, mostly 2000-2500. ;)


no wonder why some owners/drivers have not smelled it as they have not rev'd up their engines. my EX start to produce the smell even at 3500rpm. better try to rev it up a lil higher than your usual driving then you can start to post comments. my boss's EX also has the smell at high rpm but does not bother to care about it as he said he got used to the smell as time goes. another EX driver from my area has the same smell issue but does not bother to care it as an issue as well as he is a die-fard-ford-explorer-fanatic-:)

no wonder why some owners/drivers have not smelled it as they have not rev'd up their engines. my EX start to produce the smell even at 3500rpm. better try to rev it up a lil higher than your usual driving then you can start to post comments. my boss's EX also has the smell at high rpm but does not bother to care about it as he said he got used to the smell as time goes. another EX driver from my area has the same smell issue but does not bother to care it as an issue as well as he is a die-fard-ford-explorer-fanatic-:)

Hmmm...don't how toxic the smell is yet so it might be good to take it easy on the revving...Ford Philippines told me to take it in to a dealer. About time they called me...

no wonder why some owners/drivers have not smelled it as they have not rev'd up their engines. my EX start to produce the smell even at 3500rpm. better try to rev it up a lil higher than your usual driving then you can start to post comments. my boss's EX also has the smell at high rpm but does not bother to care about it as he said he got used to the smell as time goes. another EX driver from my area has the same smell issue but does not bother to care it as an issue as well as he is a die-fard-ford-explorer-fanatic-:)
Just to clarrify my post. I'm not saying it has never hit 4000 RPM. I have used the 'passing gear' a few times but I'm not looking at the tach when doing that. I did also hit 3 -3500 a couple of times when testing something related to this forum. Under normal driving conditions I find there is seldom a need to exceed 2500 RPM.
It's not a sports car.


I too am having the same issue ( '13 ex sport ) - but I only have 800miles on mine ( took delivery on Nov 16th/2012 ). So I'll wait until a couple thousand before I start making a stink about it.

I will note that it definitely isn't burnt oil smell and I don't think a sulfur smell is accurate either. I find it to be more of a 'perm' smell that others have started to categorize it as. I thought that was the most accurate analogous smell.

I to have the smell. More like a perm like the post above explained. 2011 awd v6 limited no tow pakage. Dealer says they cant reproduce the smell...go figure! Happens only during heavy exceleration at highway speeds.

Hi NimbleNadzz and wildcats,

I want to get both of your regional customer service managers involved by escalating your cases. NimbleNadzz, I know you want to wait until you put some additional miles on your vehicle; just send me a PM when you're ready.

To get started, all I need is the following information sent via PM: VIN, dealer, current mileage, full name, and daytime phone number.


I am considering getting a new Explorer in the next few weeks but this issue is raising doubts........I have heard that the same issue exists in the Edge as well which I am considering as an alternate vehicle choice....ugh!

As I am in the process of purchase a 2013 explorer I went to and I have only found one complaint on this issue. So it might not be as bad as reported here.

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I am considering getting a new Explorer in the next few weeks but this issue is raising doubts........I have heard that the same issue exists in the Edge as well which I am considering as an alternate vehicle choice....ugh!
Welcome to the Forum IronPyro.:wavey:
Your concern is understandable. Don't forget that the members here make up only a very small percentage of the owners of Explorers and problems sometimes tend to seem worse than they actually are due to the. I haven't yet encountered the problem and neither have the owners that I have spoken to in my area. The dealer also has not had complaints about the issue.
That being said, it seems to be difficult to predict who will be unfortuante to have it. Most, but not all of the issues involve hard driving with high engine revs.
Ford keeps saying that a TSB for the issue is in the works but so far nothing has been released.

