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Stiff steering


Elite Explorer
May 30, 1999
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2015 FPIU
I have noticed steering to be quite a bit stiffer lately on my 2014 PIU. Since this is electric assist would this mean that the unit is going bad or something more sinister? Anyone deal with this problem in the past?

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Check PTO fluid / maybe replace. Just had a similar scenario on a police cruiser. Moving at slow speeds and turning there was feedback in the steering. Replaced PTO and back to normal.


I'm not sure that would be the case. The 5th gen has EPAS. Electric Power Assisted Steering.


I'm not sure that would be the case. The 5th gen has EPAS. Electric Power Assisted Steering.

It's either like butter or super hard to turn with the electronic unit. They are harder to turn than an old school hydraulic system when not working.

It's either like butter or super hard to turn with the electronic unit. They are harder to turn than an old school hydraulic system when not working.
Unfortunately, several members have already found that out.


I know how it feels when it's not working - had to deal with it when my alternator went out. In this instance it is not like butter like it's supposed to be and it's not completely down, just harder and not returning to straight after a turn. Suspect alignment but that was done like 500 miles ago...
