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I'm just going to point this one fact out right here.

Al didn't offer this. A group asked for it.

I suspect this is the largest run of tubes he has ever had to pull off. That being said,

I remember sending a set of Kooks GTO headers to Jet Hot and waiting over 2 months for the coater. Just throwing that rock into the still waters--;)

Isn't this a cool tree?


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So when I text her at 7 she should still be at work!!

pretty sure Skurz said earlier she isn't there all day.

Plus, even if she did work until 5, you are probably texting her right as she is getting in her car to drive home. She might already be leaving the lot.

pretty sure Skurz said earlier she isn't there all day.

Plus, even if she did work until 5, you are probably texting her right as she is getting in her car to drive home. She might already be leaving the lot.

i have sent a total of 24 texts and have gotten 4 back.. 3 with dates they were supposed to be shipping... all texts have been anywhere between 10 am my time and 8 pm my time or 8 am her time and 6 pm her time.... its not the patience thing i worry about its the due dates that have come and gone with no remorse... if she just shut her mouth and didnt say they were gonna be done so many times i would be fine.

i have sent a total of 24 texts and have gotten 4 back.. 3 with dates they were supposed to be shipping... all texts have been anywhere between 10 am my time and 8 pm my time or 8 am her time and 6 pm her time.... its not the patience thing i worry about its the due dates that have come and gone with no remorse... if she just shut her mouth and didnt say they were gonna be done so many times i would be fine.

Yeah I agree 100%, its very annoying that she keeps lying. Like if you don't know when they'll be done, then say you don't know, not that hard.

So when I text her at 7 she should still be at work!!

OH MY GOD!!! How much of the thread have you read she has not been at work for like a month she is having a baby and is taking care of us through her personal phone at home.

**** she doesn't really have to do a damn thing for us, it's called maternity leave she could just leave it up to AL and that would be way worse of communication. So everybody just chill at least she is trying, back up off her a little bit how would you guys feel if your wife was at home having a baby and a bunch of jack ass's were crying about headers and borderline harassing her. All this talk about screwdriver texting and the ridiculous number of texts you guys have sent sounds so freaking stupid. Are you guys even old enough to buy stuff over the phone without your parent permission.

I know if my wife was being harassed like Erica has been I would seriously be cracking heads.

:DEverybody in this group buy needs to just calm down and get laid for the night and you will feel much calmer and more relaxed.:D

Took just as long to get Pro Comp wheels from Summit. Certainly not a specialty part. I never even said a harsh word about the company either.

If I were Al's, I'd be sending refunds, not offering, to those who lack the skill to make their own necessary parts but can't wait for one of specialty parts made with top quality.

after reading, and reading about everyone complaining how long it has taken, once again i will say this. when i bought mine from bob over a year ago, it took around 3 or 4 months for them to get to me. its obvious they came from al's. that was one pair of headers (there might have been 5 or 10 in with my order). another example for you, years back i waited 7 months for a trans cross member to come for my capri from ford svo.
if it is not a stocked part, it will take time. you dont know how long it takes to make each header. for all week know, it may take 3 days per header, not counting the jet hot coating.
as for erica "lying", you dont know if that is the info she is getting from someone else, and is just being the meddle person. i called to ask about just getting a egr tube so i could have one as a spare, and the first thing she had said was "i am not sure, i would have to ask my brothers". with that said, she is just relaying what is told to her. i even apologized to her on behalf of this thread on some peoples actions and comments, or would you all be happier if she had a miss carriage? think about that one good and hard.

jon, bonsai trees are cooler.

I'm really, really glad that the majority of guys who got in on this deal are level headed and that only a couple are cry babies. The pathetic thing is that the cry babies have completely hijacked this entire thread. 90% of what I've read on here has been *****ing, and always from the same people. Call the cops? Fraud? ...WTF? Listen to what the experienced guys are telling you and quit your whining. You WILL get your headers and you're gonna love them. If you can't deal with waiting for custom parts, maybe you should sell your truck and get yourself a KIA instead. Run down to Walmart, buy some neon lights, some subs and a big ass wing for it and leave the rest of us alone.

I'm really, really glad that the majority of guys who got in on this deal are level headed and that only a couple are cry babies. The pathetic thing is that the cry babies have completely hijacked this entire thread. 90% of what I've read on here has been *****ing, and always from the same people. Call the cops? Fraud? ...WTF? Listen to what the experienced guys are telling you and quit your whining. You WILL get your headers and you're gonna love them. If you can't deal with waiting for custom parts, maybe you should sell your truck and get yourself a KIA instead. Run down to Walmart, buy some neon lights, some subs and a big ass wing for it and leave the rest of us alone.

Those periods can come out of nowhere...can't they Suzy?

You know it Tina.

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