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Rim machining


"I'm counting to 3, then I'm getting your dad."
Elite Explorer
March 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Woodstock, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Ford Explorer 4.6l
I can get some 17"x8" 2005 Mustang rims for less than $200.
Only thing is, the Mustang center bore is listed as 70.3 while the Explorer is 70.6.

Anyone take something like a cylinder hone and widen a rims center bore?

Any major downside to doing so. Finish would be an issue, but that could be touched up.

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Since the wheels are Hubcentric, which means the hub keeps them centered, a machine shop should do this work on a lathe. The center hole needs to be true.

what rims are they? i have cobra rims on mine, not exactly sure of the year bt its a mid 2000s and thy fit fine

you could always get hub centric spacers too, as they're hub centric on the inside for the hub, but the outside isn't for the wheel.

what rims are they? i have cobra rims on mine, not exactly sure of the year bt its a mid 2000s and thy fit fine

you could always get hub centric spacers too, as they're hub centric on the inside for the hub, but the outside isn't for the wheel.

How will a hubcentric spacer make the hole larger? Spacers are used when the hole is too large-The OP suggests his holes are too small.

How will a hubcentric spacer make the hole larger? Spacers are used when the hole is too large-The OP suggests his holes are too small.

an inner-only hub centric spacer will fit directly on the hub centric Ford hub, but without the outer hub centric ring it won't matter for the wheel as long as its 5x4.5 :thumbsup:


i ordered these for my X thinking they would be inner and outer, but they're only inner. in my case it was fine, would have rather had it be inner and outer as well because my GT wheels were the same hub size. in OPs case, it would benefit him to use these.


I really don't want to go the route of spacers.
I do like the way those Cobra rims look. What years exactly are those from?


The wheels fit fine, I've had 2007 Mustang GT wheels bolted on my 04 Explorer before. The offset does cause the wheels to be a little farther under the fenders, but they physically fit fine as far as I can remember. This was 3 years ago that I did it, but I remember that they looked fine.

The wheels fit fine, I've had 2007 Mustang GT wheels bolted on my 04 Explorer before. The offset does cause the wheels to be a little farther under the fenders, but they physically fit fine as far as I can remember. This was 3 years ago that I did it, but I remember that they looked fine.

Are they still on your rig? Post a pic.

Even if they do not fit a heavy grit flapper wheel will take care of the .3 mm with ease.

I really don't want to go the route of spacers.
I do like the way those Cobra rims look. What years exactly are those from?


i think they're from an 05. thats the stock color, the grey is a little darker than the truck and the lip is polished

i see them up on craigslist about once a month or so...very easy to find:salute:

Those are 2010 or newer V6 mustang wheels, I'm pretty sure. I do not have the wheels on my explorer now, that was a few years ago.

Good info, all, thanks!
